
标题: 数字惊人!加拿大按揭贷款房产中投资者占了30%,比疫情前还多 [打印本页]

作者: 枫叶子    时间: 2023-9-15 10:34
作者: 郢正文    时间: 2023-9-15 10:40
作者: 手机用户__A5uXDg    时间: 2023-9-15 11:09
作者: 来来往往人    时间: 2023-9-15 11:37
作者: sheldon 傅    时间: 2023-9-15 12:31
作者: lifeisfun    时间: 2023-9-15 13:14
手机用户__A5uXDg 发表于 2023-9-15 11:09

作者: Jzsjw    时间: 2023-9-15 13:43
作者: Anjia Toronto    时间: 2023-9-15 15:02
作者: b zh    时间: 2023-9-15 16:59
作者: dzk    时间: 2023-9-15 19:56
作者: 高尔山    时间: 2023-9-15 20:16
作者: 还可以呀    时间: 2023-9-15 20:39
作者: lifeisfun    时间: 2023-9-16 09:30
来来往往人 发表于 2023-9-15 11:37
大部分抵押贷款房是炒房者,就是这些人破坏了房屋市场。现利息高,房租不能抵消房贷,就提高房租,更扰乱了 ...

有好办法,政府不用而已,比如增加卖房资本利得税,限购等等,没有好处谁当雷锋去管出租房. 政府不是不知道,实际政府也是得利的一方,除了那些炒房的议员,政府从火爆的房市收了多少税,现在是实在盖不住了要下台了,政府才出来装模作样的要控制房市.
作者: lifeisfun    时间: 2023-9-16 09:36
高尔山 发表于 2023-9-15 20:16
有钱人要投资,会选回报率高的项目。投资房地产的人多了,说明人们看好多伦多房地产市场。理由呢就是特鲁多 ...

加拿大确实没有啥好的投资渠道,政府也没有能力搞好经济(都是像土豆一样不懂经济的,不光不懂,花起钱来比谁都爽),所以炒房就是一个捷径,政府放任,全民上马. 问题炒房是炒了子孙的房,断了自己的后路. 饮鸠止渴而已. 加拿大不能再靠炒房去维持经济了,也不需要大规模引进难民移民,而是应该加大科技投入减税
作者: 蓝色晶体    时间: 2023-9-16 16:51
lifeisfun 发表于 2023-9-15 13:14
买投资房多了,房价就上去了,许多人买不起只好租,加上土豆放水的大批移民,所以不是需要投资房产,而是 ...

作者: lifeisfun    时间: 2023-9-16 17:06
蓝色晶体 发表于 2023-9-16 16:51
投资房地产本身不应该成为问题吧,出问题的是短线炒房的,其中主要就是炒楼花的。而地产经纪爱鼓动买家买 ...

作者: li liyuyu    时间: 2023-9-18 08:43
#nuclear A nest of snakes and mice damages the human living environment   
On August 24, 2023, Japan regardless of discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea, Japan refused other countries to directly take samples to analyze the changes in the concentration of radioactive materials in the nuclear wastewater. This behavior is self-evident, and the degree of contamination is enough Destroying the marine ecological environment poses a serious threat to human survival. The so-called discharge of nuclear pollution into the ocean cannot be achieved with just one slap.
Since the Americans who are full of snakes and rats openly claim in the video that China’s import of Japanese seafood is wrong, and the reason is that Japanese waters are polluted, then when the nuclear sewage spreads to countries such as South Korea and North Korea, will China also have to punish the corresponding countries? Are seafood imports prohibited? This issue is putting the cart before the horse. Our country’s strong condemnation of Japan’s seafood imports is in response to Japan’s act of discharging nuclear pollution into the sea. It is not directed at you, the Japanese people. What our country does is for all mankind, and the question you raised by the Americans is based on For the sake of human survival and development? It can be seen that behind Japan’s discharge of nuclear pollution into the ocean, it is likely that the United States is behind the blessing. In the future, will the United States make some vaccines and other things like the epidemic, sell them to the whole world and charge the world’s fees? This is also your country, the United States. The political system is determined by profit-seeking.
The worst thing is that little Japan is being exploited and people don’t know it. They mindlessly discharge nuclear pollution into the ocean without knowing that the losses will outweigh the benefits. We currently support all countries to conduct nuclear sewage testing in Japanese waters and surrounding oceans. If there is nuclear pollution, If the ocean environment reaches an irreversible level, it is not impossible to take military action against Japan. We hope that Japan will take care of itself. Human development needs to be safeguarded by the whole country.
作者: APP用户__Ma8xKj    时间: 2023-9-19 16:13

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