The reality is that People in Canada do care more.作者: 老校长 时间: 2006-5-15 09:56 标题: 很无耻 作者搜索“袖手旁观”当然得到的都是那些负面的新闻了。搜一下“见义勇为”看看?这种写作手段很无耻。作者: Sean51 时间: 2006-5-15 10:42
都是文化大革命造的孽!作者: 第二個耳順 时间: 2006-5-15 10:46 标题: 回复:很无耻 最初由[TheJack]发布 很无耻
The reality is that People in Canada do care more.
Agree People in Canada care more? How did you get this? 是从数量上还是比例上亦或是程度上您们得出了more? 得出这个结论的调查数据从哪里来的?能否给我们看看?从每天看到的枪杀案的报道,您是否认为加拿大的社会治安is much more worse than中国?枪击的时侯,People in Canada care什么去了?
Agree People in Canada care more? How did you get this? 是从数量上还是比例上亦或是程度上您们得出了more? 得出这个结论的调查数据从哪里来的?能否给我们看看?从每天看到的枪杀案的报道,您是否认为加拿大的社会治安is much more worse than中国?枪击的时侯,People in Canada care什么去了?
我不是臺灣人。我是大陸人。所以對共國的文化水準和道德水準深有感觸。作者: 第二個耳順 时间: 2006-5-15 14:04 标题: 回复:This is because of the fundemental 最初由[KUIPORNG]发布 This is because of the fundemental
The principle of communism is materialism. That is, when man died, there is nothing left. This has been planted in the educational system in mainland. This affect a large percentage of people's thinking, although not all, causing people to care for themselves, why care about others... I repeat, not all people like that, but definitely a significant amount, don't know how many but a significant amount...
This philosophy is different from the fundamental of Western world, if you pay attention to Canaidian National Song, one of the sentence is "God Bless our Land", this mean fundamentally, people believe there is God and there is good and bad...etc. and following good behaviour is a key ...well long topics, but hope you get an idea...
This is all because of difference in fundamental between communism and captialism, you can say...
所以道德淪喪就成了必然的事情。作者: helen888 时间: 2006-5-15 14:34
一个小女孩的死反而让人认识到加拿大如此温暖,真是不容易啊作者: MV55 时间: 2006-5-15 14:56
More than 100 people voluntarily to search for Cecilia Zhang. More than 4800 people walk 60 KMs over 2 days to raise over $16 million to donate to Prince Margaret Hospital for Breast cancer. Those cases are not exceptional.作者: MV55 时间: 2006-5-15 15:02
BTW, See how many people/cars will stop for you in China if your car break down vs. IN Canada.作者: 骑士 时间: 2006-5-15 19:30
那个THE JACK 的人还赖在加拿大干吗, 你咋不回大陆呢?