为了表示以强凌弱有理,他们最常说的是,you are the loser. 言外之意就是 I am the winner. 他们认为这是天经地义的。他们才不管别人的死活。看看他们在伊拉克的作为吧
。他们在阿富汗大兵的帽子上写着 we do bad things to bad guy 但是多少无辜的人死在他们的手下。多少家庭妻离子散,家破人亡。他们有过同情吗?他们有的只是,找一个人或团体做替罪羊,说他应承担责任。至于他们自己杀死十个人是因为别人杀了一个人,他们是为了维护和平去的。这就是他们的典型逻辑,用来掩盖他们那些路人皆知的战略目的
As the Bible tells us: "He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes" (Proverbs 13:24) and "Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14)作者: 新猪 时间: 2008-7-6 08:31 标题: 我从不以打骂的方式教育孩子,也不强迫小孩学东学西 我相信你们这些垃圾父母为了自己不可告人的思维模式,把孩子当成自己的私有财产,以所谓的光宗耀祖来指导对孩子的教育。
希望这些垃圾父母永远远离儿童,警示其他父母的行为,净化加拿大的教育空气。作者: 哪吒 时间: 2008-7-6 08:34
为了表示以强凌弱有理,他们最常说的是,you are the loser. 言外之意就是 I am the winner. 他们认为这是天经地义的。他们才不管别人的死活。看看他们在伊拉克的作为吧
。他们在阿富汗大兵的帽子上写着 we do bad things to bad guy 但是多少无辜的人死在他们的手下。多少家庭妻离子散,家破人亡。他们有过同情吗?他们有的只是,找一个人或团体做替罪羊,说他应承担责任。至于他们自己杀死十个人是因为别人杀了一个人,他们是为了维护和平去的。这就是他们的典型逻辑,用来掩盖他们那些路人皆知的战略目的
As the Bible tells us: "He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes" (Proverbs 13:24) and "Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14)
Errorless learning is a procedure introduced by Herbert Terrace (1963) which allows discrimination learning to occur with few or even with no responses to the negative stimulus (abbreviated S-). A negative stimulus is a stimulus associated with undesirable consequences (e.g., absence of reinforcement). In discrimination learning, an error is a response to the S-, and according to Terrace errors are not required for successful discrimination performance.
A simple discrimination learning procedure is one in which a subject learns to associate one stimulus, S+ (positive stimulus), with reinforcement (e.g. food) and another, S- (negative stimulus), with extinction (e.g. absence of food). For example, a pigeon can learn to peck a red key (S+), and avoid a green key (S-). Using traditional procedures, a pigeon would be initially trained to peck a red key (S+). When the pigeon was responding consistently to the red key (S+), a green key (S-) would be introduced. At first the pigeon would also respond to the green key (S+) but gradually responses to this key would decrease, because they are not followed by food, so that they occurred only a few times or even never.
Terrace (1963) found that discrimination learning could occur without errors when the training begins early in operant conditioning and visual stimuli (S+ and S-) like colors are used that differ in terms of brightness, duration and wavelength. He used a fading procedure in which the brightness and duration differences between the S+ and the S- were decreased progressively leaving only the difference in wavelength. In other words, the S+ and S- were initially presented with different brightness and duration, i.e., the S+ would appear during 5 s and fully red, and the S- would appear during 0.5 s and dark. Gradually, over successive presentations, the duration of the S- and its brightness were gradually increased until the keylight was fully green during 5 s.
The errorless learning procedure is highly effective in reducing the number of responses to the S- during training. In Terrace’s (1963) experiment, subjects trained with the conventional discrimination procedure averaged over 3000 S- (errors) responses during 28 sessions of training; whereas subjects trained with the errorless procedure averaged only 25 S- (errors) responses in the same number of sessions.
Later, Terrace (1972) claimed not only that the errorless learning procedure improves long-term discrimination performance, but also that: 1) S- does not become aversive and so does not elicit "aggressive" behaviors, as it often does with conventional training; 2) S- does not develop inhibitory properties; 3) positive behavioral contrast to S+ does not occur. In other words, Terrace has claimed that the "by-products" of conventional discrimination learning do not occur with the errorless procedure.
However, some evidence suggests that errorless learning may not be as qualitatively different from conventional training as Terrace initially claimed. For example, Rilling (1977) demonstrated in a series of experiments that these "by-products" can occur after errorless learning, but that their effects may not be as large as in the conventional procedure; and Marsh and Johnson (1968) found that subjects given errorless training were very slow to make a discrimination reversal.
Interest from psychologists studying basic research on declined after the 1970’s. However, errorless learning attracted the interest of researchers in applied psychology, and studies have been conducted with both children (e.g., educational settings) and adults (e.g. Parkinson’s patients).