
标题: 安省学校被曝虐待性侵聋哑学生!校方:找议员去 [打印本页]

作者: Wilson Edwards    时间: 2021-3-9 11:22
标题: 安省聋哑学校被曝虐待性侵学生!校方:找议员去
作者: 谨慎    时间: 2021-3-9 12:59
作者: paclcui    时间: 2021-3-9 15:31
有一次去学校,听见有人大喊大叫,声嘶力竭,持续很久,问了下老师,说是SEP program的学生。

作者: northyork51    时间: 2021-3-9 17:50
作者: okiedo    时间: 2021-3-9 18:43
作者: Jack T    时间: 2021-3-9 20:22
比这更加严重和普遍的是童军中的恋童癖问题, 每次刚刚调查开始, 然后就不了了之。
童军就是恋童癖的天堂, 而且背后势力到底有多强大, 谁也说不清楚
作者: Dora Fair    时间: 2021-3-18 16:31
Canada set up every kind of system - such as Healthcare, hospitals, Human Rights Commission or Bureau, schools for disabled children, etc. People would think Canada is the best country and everything is taken care of. Actually, everything is made to deprive and abuse. If you do not know it, that is only because you are not in it yet. Apparently there is no solution. You cannot even find a place to expose it.

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