samfan 发表于 2005-9-26 12:34:00

how to save the money in car insurance

Hope U can help
Sorry to eveybody,,,my Eng is so poor
I have two speeding ticket b4 and I have a accident at 2001,so my car insurance was so expancive to 350 per month,but I heard some one told me if I can join some of member club than I can save up to 30% per I have some Questions there ??
1...where can I find them ?
2...can they speak chinese ?
3...If I join in the club,can it issued already to save the insurance ?
4...after I join in the club to save my insurance,in the next year I didnt re-new my member free,will the insurance grow up?

Hope every nice guy who can write by chinese to answer it
THank so much
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