图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-6 11:58:56



测试结果对我来说很准,几乎 100% 描述了我当前的处境

随意 发表于 2002-2-6 12:24:20


确实很有道理, 很准。 :)

小西天 发表于 2002-2-6 13:43:34

我刚试完,结果已保存。 :smile:
第二次再测的时候,有些区别,只是还没弄清楚那是不是我? :p

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-6 13:53:21



小西天 发表于 2002-2-6 14:08:45


比如说,我很喜欢蓝色,但是他是认为你就是喜欢这个颜色,还是认为你现在“ feeling blue ”?那就有很大区别哦。

behappy 发表于 2002-2-6 14:13:49


图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-6 14:20:47

最初由 [ 小西天 ] 发布

比如说,我很喜欢蓝色,但是他是认为你就是喜欢这个颜色,还是认为你现在“ feel blue ”?那就有很大区别哦。



小西天 发表于 2002-2-6 14:31:31

呵呵,看来那个蓝颜色的意思还是 feeling blue 。

我第一个选的就是它,但是我现在感觉很好啊,还没有开始 Blue 啊。

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-6 14:40:40

我第一个颜色也是 blue ,结果中除了说我有时候渴望有“ need to be needed ”的感觉,好像并没有其他 blue 的描述,有可能颜色的次序占的比重还是挺大的,或是偶的英文理解力有限,看样子有必要请 behappy 帮偶翻译一下了 :D:D

疯叶红了 发表于 2002-2-9 01:41:35

我的答案是出来了,我想谁 帮我翻译准确点呢。。

You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to "All things bright and beautiful". This personifies a caring person... A person who "needs" and indeed "needs to be needed".

You are a leader and possibly at this tine in a position of authority. But you are experiencing problems ... You are not quite sure how to handle the present situation .. .

You are a dreamer .. and you seek perfection in any relationship that you may establish. Some of your ideas and standards are over the top... so it may be a good idea to review your perception of life and accept people for what they are - not for what you would like them to be.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion ... In fact you just don't want to be involved in any arguments of any shape or form ... All you want is for "them" to get on with it - and to leave you alone..

张来福 发表于 2002-2-9 01:53:05



小西天 发表于 2002-2-9 04:18:59


最初由 [ 张来福 ] 发布



张来福 发表于 2002-2-9 06:48:35


You feel worn out, physically and mentally. Recently the going has been tough .. and it looks as if there is still a considerable way for you to go before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you could put a protecting wall around yourself and cut yourself off from the rest of the world - be it even for only a little while - how wonderful it would be, but you can't ... so you need to bear with it. Just when everything will seem at its lowest ebb you will find that there is a turnabout ... and your problems will seem to find a way of resolving themselves.

You enjoy taking part in anything that may constitute fun and excitement. You need to be stimulated and need to feel that "Life is worth living" and you are awaiting that stimulation and you don't particularly care where it comes from .!

You know what you want and you are very dogmatic and demanding ... especially in your emotional demands. You have specific ideas and beliefs and if these beliefs are not realised you can become extremely frustrated. You may not be that perfect but you are looking for perfection with the perfect partner..

From every direction there appears to be unwarranted restrictions on your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress..You're really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering. You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like nothing better than to escape from them, but you tend to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are being frustrated. You need to be free to do your "thing" in your own way...

You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you ... There is no harm in "dreaming". But it is you - and only you that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.

小猪猪 发表于 2002-2-9 12:01:11



小糊涂猫 发表于 2002-2-9 15:02:54

是有点神奇 .

但是有个疑问 , 是不是每一篇其实放在谁身上都会觉得准呢 ? 就是放之四海皆真理的东东呢 ??
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