老猫 发表于 2002-1-21 03:52:14


斑竹,我最近有几次 Interview 机会。我准备了半天,他们一句关于我专业方面的也没问(可能 IT 和其他的专业性质强的人会被问到),全是“你如何评价你自己”,“你认为你最需要再学习的是什么”,。。。。,你是否可以发一些你经验中用英文 Interview 他们最喜欢问的这类问题及如何回答才最得体?谢谢了。

忧愁河 发表于 2002-1-22 00:37:09

To 老猫

I find some interview questions and answers for you, hope it useful.

1.Q: I have read your resume. Now please tell me something about

A: Well, I think of myself as a friendly, easy-going, sincere and
optimistic person, who enjoys family, work and hobbies, I feel my skills in computer sciences are very applicable to this

I always have strong desire to do a better job, I set high
goals for myself, yet I am able to maintain a positive

2.Q: What interests you most about this job?

A: I am excited about the future, the challenge, the competitiveness and the environment of your
I believe this position will provide me with a big challenge and
a better environment to work .

3.Q: What strengths would you bring to this company?

A: As a hard worker, I have accomplished several projects on schedule.
My ability to work well with my colleagues has contributed to a
pleasant atmosphere for teamwork.
I am conscientious, hardworking, dedicated to teamwork, that
can produce superior services and products. I can bring new skills and ideas to your company.

4.Q: What are your weaknesses?

A: I am very conscientious and demand too much of myself. Sometimes I may expect too much from others. But in the long run, we are all proud of the results.

or I have learned how to sell my ideas and to be more patient with implementation.

( Never talk your real weakness, try to turn your weakenss into the strength.)

5.Q: Why are you interested in our company?
What do you know about us?

A: I have heard of your exciting innovation in the computer world; your care for your employees and your outstanding services toward your customers. I want to be a part of such a dynamic
After searching information about your company, I feel that it
will be interesting to work in this environment.

6.Q: Why do you think you are qualified for this job?

A: With my educational background and experience,I feel I am prepared and qualified to accept this job.

With my qualifications, hardworking attitude and easy going
personality, I am confident that I can make some contributions to your company.

7.Q: What do you think of previous (present)boss and colleagues?
(how do you describe your relationship with
your current boss and your co」ュworkers?)

A: I respect and admire my supervisor's ability to handle his staff.
Most of my colleagues are ambitious, creative and responsible. As a team player, I get along very well with them.

8. Q:
Why are you leaving your present job?

A:My position was re-organized (eliminated. )

I have been in my present job for a long time and I feel it is the time for a new challenge.

I feel your company will offer me a chance for potential
advancement in my area.

9. Q:Please tell me why I should hire you?

A: I feel I have the qualifications to do the job and my track records can prove it.

10. QWho has had the greatest influence on you?
A: Probably my parents are the ones who taught me to be responsible and to be open to new ideas.

My former boss taught me to be unafraid of new

忧愁河 发表于 2002-1-22 00:56:50

11. Q:Why do you want to change your field of work?
A: My qualifications and abilities suggest that I may do better in this new field.
Having been in my field for a long time, I feel a new challenge would be stimulating and exciting.

12. Q: What is your philosophy in working with
A: I believe in team work. Although I enjoy working independently, I feel that a company can accomplish much more if people cooperate and work together.

13. Q:What are your views on motivating people?
A: I feel that properly motivating people will be a major part of my supervisory duties. I will encourage team work among all staff members.
With my education and experience, I feel capable of performing my supervision.

14. Q: How do you handle conflict with your
A:I feel conciliation is better than confrontation. Therefore any
conflict should be solved through peaceful dialogue.

15. Q:What are your short- range (long-term) objectives?
A:My short-range objective is to secure this job, my long-term goal is to advance as fast as possible. I would like fo have more responsibility in my field.

16. Q:What causes you to fly off the handle? (= to lose your temper) ?
A:when people do not fulfill their promises without explaining the reasons, I become upset about that.

17. Q:What type of decisions seems most difficult for you to make?
A: I have found it difficult to make decisions when both sides of
the issues have considerable merit.

18. Q: How would you describe success?
A: To me success is doing the best I can with my given potential.

If I try to learn all facets of my job, I can be successful in my

19. Q:Do you think you are over-qualified for this job?
A:No, I don't think anyone can ever be `overqualified`. This job has a lot of room for expansion and innovation.

I feel the employer will benefit from my additional knowledge. There is a great deal that I can still learn as well as

20. Q:What is your major interest? Money, power or
A: My primary interest is to learn and develop my skills which will lead me to a career filled with opportunities, challenges and
ultimately, rewards.

21. Q: What salary would you accept for this position?(What kind of salary are you looking for?)
A: I think your company has a sound salary structure. With my
education and qualifications, I believe that I shall be fairly treated.

I am sure your company will compensate me

I will go along with your company policy and pay scale. I am realistic about a lower starting salary.

22. Q: What are the accomplishments you are most proud of?
A: Obtaining my advanced degree in computer sciences is my greatest accomplishment so far.

23. Q:How long will it take you to make a contribution to this
A: As long as I work in this company, I will try my best to make
some sort of contribution.

忧愁河 发表于 2002-1-22 01:02:11

You also can find a book ` Knock `em dead` in Chapter. I t includes almost every aspects of interview. It is very useful.

Good luck in job hunting! :)

泰山顶上一棵葱 发表于 2002-1-22 01:32:38

Good job!

二师兄 发表于 2002-1-22 01:40:21

最初由 [ 泰山顶上一棵葱 ] 发布
Good job!


泰山顶上一棵葱 发表于 2002-1-22 02:07:36

最初由 [ 二师兄 ] 发布


I tried, but not able to.

老猫 发表于 2002-1-22 05:11:22

I gave to her! :D
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