小西天 发表于 2002-2-1 00:25:13

可惜,一次最多只能加 10 分。嘿嘿。

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-1 19:20:06

美国口语俚语( 15 )
1.let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密
I won't let the cat out of the bag.
2.in the market for 想买,积极物色
People are always in the market for something new and different.
3.meddle in 干涉,搅和
Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life.
4.screw loose 脱线,神经不对头
Bill must have a screw loose somewhere; he's acting really strangely.
Bill 一定是哪根筋不对,他的行动真奇怪。
5.sell someone on 以 ... 说服某人
She sold me on her idea. I think it will work.

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-2 10:52:23

美国口语俚语( 16 )
1.hang in there 忍耐一下
Hang in there. Things will look up soon.
2.hands-off 无为而治,顺其自然
He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children.
3.gag me with a spoon 我快吐了
Gag me with a spoon! Please don ’ t tell me such disgusting stories any more.
4.get a move on 赶快
Get a move on. You can ’ t park your car here.
5.cook up 想出
He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday.
他想出一个在他太太生日时让她惊喜的妙法。 (呵,女人心中的好丈夫!)

小猪猪 发表于 2002-2-2 10:56:36


图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-3 13:05:28

美国口语俚语( 17 )

1.roll with the punches 逆来顺受
You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.

2.right off the bat 立刻
I was all prepared to put up a fight, but he gave in right off the bat.

3.get one ’ s feet wet 参与,开始做
It ’ s not good to concentrate all your efforts on just writing. You should get your feet wet and trying painting or dancing.

4.get after 盯着,责备
Ann ’ s mother gets after her to hang up her clothes.

5.pan out 成功,奏效
Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars.
这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了 1 , 000 美元。

blueice2001 发表于 2002-2-3 21:35:34

真好! :O
我已经把他们都 SAVE 下来了,赶明儿我要去和老板沟通一下,看看他能不能明白我? :D
不过还有 18 , 19... 什么的,麻烦图书你继续贴上来,多多学习总是好的。

江南 发表于 2002-2-4 01:07:09

“ He passed out after three beers.
喝了三杯啤酒后他就醉倒了。 ”?

“ 5.pan out 成功,奏效
Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars.
这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了 1 , 000 美元。”?
还是“ 3.meddle in 干涉,搅和
Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life.
哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。 ”???? :D:D:D

blueice2001 发表于 2002-2-4 01:22:06

最初由 [ 江南 ] 发布
“ He passed out after three beers.
喝了三杯啤酒后他就醉倒了。 ”?

“ 5.pan out 成功,奏效
Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars.
这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了 1 , 000 美元。”?
还是“ 3.meddle in 干涉,搅和
Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life.
哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。 ”???? :D:D:D

你小子在忙些什么?整天神神秘秘的? :D
赶明儿和老板吃了年夜饭,再向你汇报我的学习成果。 :p

蝶衣 发表于 2002-2-4 02:21:46


图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-4 19:10:35

美国口语俚语( 18 )

1.screw someone over 欺负某人
After working in the office for ten years, Alice was fired for no apparent reason. How can they screw her over like that?

2.down to the wire 等到最后一刻才开始做事
Peter always waits until the last minute to do his work. I could never leave it down to the wire like that.

3.buck 抗拒
You can ’ t buck the system.

4.blockhead 笨蛋
Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.

5.blow the lid off 揭发(丑闻)
That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senator ’ s illegal business deals.

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-5 20:33:36

美国口语俚语( 19 )

1.round up 集合
Round everybody up. It ’ s time for our business meeting.

2.put someone up 留宿某人
I can put you up for a couple of days. My apartment is big enough for two people.

3.take care of business 负责
Who ’ s going to take care of business while I am away?

4.take out on 拿…出气
Don ’ t take your frustrations out on me.

5.hot stuff 大人物
He thinks he ’ s hot stuff. But everybody else thinks he ’ s a jerk.

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-6 19:42:06

美国口语俚语( 20 )

1.nitty-gritty 细节,基本情况
Let ’ s get down to the nitty-gritty. I want to hear what happens next.

2 . no good 很糟
This typewriter is no good. Every time I use it, the ribbon falls out.

3.have someone ’ s number 清楚某人的底细,看穿某人
She dare not do anything to me, I have her number.

4.hot number 新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物
Tom thinks Sherry is a hot number.
Tom 认为 Sherry 是个尤物。

5.off the hook 逃脱,溜掉,不受罚
I ’ ll let you off the hook this time, but don ’ t do that again.

blueice2001 发表于 2002-2-6 19:52:05

真佩服图书兢兢业业的发布资料。 :smile:

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-6 23:10:05

我手头有 50 篇,好像还没完

图书管理员 发表于 2002-2-7 20:04:35

美国口语俚语( 21 )

1.hunky-dory 没问题
Everything here is hunky-dory. Don ’ t worry.

2.I kid you not 我不骗你
I kid you not. I saw this woman talking to her hand.

3. pop one ’ s cork 大发脾气
I ’ ve never seen Teresa pop her cork before. I always thought she was a very laid-back person.
我从来没见过 Teresa 发脾气。我原来一直以为她是个好好小姐。

4.poke one ’ s nose into something 多管闲事
Gladys is always poking her nose into other people ’ s business. I don ’ t see how she has time to take care of her own affairs.

5.pull a fast one 欺骗
He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it.
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