willing_1130 发表于 2005-5-30 21:21:13


卡尔顿大学(要读ESL) 和曼尼托巴 来了OFFER 去哪个比较好呢 请指教

哪有好餐馆 发表于 2005-6-2 00:22:04

personally i think calton is better, u will have more choices regarding major selection and it's in Ontario, u will get more chances to visit toronto and montreal, Good luck!, by the way, i am from UT, for any personal advice, just let me know.

willing_1130 发表于 2005-6-2 18:47:35

但是进卡尔顿的话 可能要读ESL 听说挺难读出来的

wine 发表于 2005-6-4 13:46:29


Marl Reinslin 发表于 2005-6-4 23:22:00

Either is okay. I prefer U Man but the whole city seems dead....Carlton is among the best in some aspects.

Thus to ask for help on making a decision, you'd better tell us the major you are taking.

But if the offer from UM is a final one, take it! I dun think taking ESL is a good idea.

willing_1130 发表于 2005-6-5 23:17:47

读商科 谢谢
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