约克鹿 发表于 2015-6-25 12:27:03


2015-06-26 Nadine 海外留学联盟

My name is Nadine Nyhus.I am a mother and a practicing medical doctor and psychiatrist for over 20 years.I want to apologize at the start that this presentation is not as detailed or as footnoted as the topic deserves but I have only 10 minutes.I have copies of this presentation for board members.

我叫Nadine Nyhus,我是一位母亲, 也是一名有着20多年从业经验的执业医师和心理治疗师。在本次演讲的开始我想向大家道歉, 就本演讲主题要求而言,应有更加详尽,更充足的备注资料, 但事实上我只有10分钟时间。我已为每一位教育局成员准备了该演讲的打印稿。

I am glad there is a health and sex education curriculum.HOWEVER, I believe this curriculum is very inadequate to inform and protect our children.I will summarize 5 areas of concern.

我们的孩子能拥有一个健康及性教育大纲, 这是让我感到高兴的事。但是我认为该大纲远不能让孩子们获取有用的知识并起到保护他们的作用。以下我总结了5个让我担忧的方面。

#1 AS A MEDICAL DOCTOR I HAVE A CONCERN ABOUT THE LACK OF ACCURATE AND ADEQUATELYDETAILED INFORMATION ON SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STIs)– which, in the end, leaves the impression that sexually transmitted infections are not such a big deal.Some examples:

1.该大纲缺乏准确详尽的有关性传播疾病的信息, 作为执业医师的我对此感到担忧—这最终会产生误解,即性传播传染疾病没什么大不了。具体举例如下:

-there is no mention that silent chlamydia infection can result in girls never being able to have a baby
-there is no mention that youcan contract HPV (Human Papilloma virus) at your first experience of intercourse WHILE using condom because HPV is not transmitted by fluids, but by skin to skin contact.
-there is no mention that HPV is a known causative factor in cervical cancer
-there is no mention that different types of intercourse carry different risks – that anal intercourse carries the greatest risk of sexually transmitted infection –ANDour teen girls are caving in to increasing pressure to have anal intercourse as this is promoted in pornography

· 大纲未提及不易察觉的衣原体病菌感染会导致女孩子终生不育;
· 大纲未提及在首次性交时即使使用了避孕套也可能会感染HPV,因为HPV不是通过体液而是通过皮肤接触传染;
· 大纲未提及HPV是已知的子宫颈癌病因;
· 大纲未提及不同类型的性交蕴藏不同的致病风险,而肛交的致病风险为最大;并且--
· 女孩子通常会屈服于不断增加的压力而进行肛交,因为它(肛交)是色情所提倡的性交方式。

I think it’s important for us to look more closely at what the curriculum says about HIV:

我还认为,我们必须进一步审视大纲对HIV 所持的说法:

Written as a teacher prompt the curriculum says:HIV is a serious viral infection that can be controlled with treatments… With treatment, the damage that HIV does to the body’s immune system can be slowed or prevented. ,, Today,when people get tested for HIV early in the infection and access HIV treatments, they have the opportunity to live a near-to-normal life span.”

(大纲相关内容)正如一位支持大纲的教师所说:HIV是一种严重的病毒感染,但通过治疗可得到控制…治疗能够减缓或防止HIV病毒对人体免疫系统的破坏…时至今日, 感染者可通过测试尽早发现HIV病毒的存在并获得相应治疗, 他们仍有机会享有与正常人几近同等的寿命。

It doesn’t sound so bad really, right?And to teens, who are at the developmental stage where they think they are rather invincible, I would think it would sound like even less of a concern.

情况听起来不坏, 对吧?对于仍处在成长阶段的十几岁青少年来说, 他们秉持的是“青春无敌”的理念,这样的情况对于他们更不算什么了

But where are the FACTS about HIV?This curriculum needs to be more honest.

It needs to explain that one may (or may not) live a normal length of time, but in either case your life will be very different in significant ways:


大纲需要解释的是,HIV感染者可能会(也可能不会)享有正常的寿命, 但是无论何种境况,他们的生活轨迹都将显著改变

-if you are infected with HIV you should never have intercourse without a condom for the rest of your life
-you may have to adopt children
-if you are female you will not be able to breast feed (very significant transmission rateof virus through breast milk)
-you will have to take strong medications – 2 to 4 medications at a time -- for the rest of your life – the medication itself can damage organs in the body
-the medication has to be taken in a highly structured schedule, often more than once per day (not only to keepviral load down but also because if you miss doses it can result in treatmentfailure because the virus can become resistant to the medications)
-HIV will restrict your ability to live in other countries (people with HIV are subject to “residency restrictions” forchronic illnesses)

· 如果你是HIV感染者,你在有生之年发生性行为时都必须戴避孕套;
· 你必须收养孩子(而不能自己生育);
· 对于女性感染者,她将终生不能哺乳(HIV病毒通过乳汁传染的概率极高)
· 你必须服用大量药物—一次吃2-4种药—而且必须终生坚持。 药物本身对器官会造成损害;
· 服药的规程须经严格制定, 每天一般超过一次(这不仅仅是为了降低病毒数量—如果你服药量不够,就会导致治疗失败,因病毒可能会产生抗药性);
· 感染HIV病毒将会限制你在其他国家的活动(HIV感染者属于被“限制居住”的慢性病患者)

So this curriculum’s description of HIV as something that can be “controlled with treatments” so that you “live a near-to-normal lifespan” significantly minimizes the reality of HIV infection, is misleading and could decrease condom use.

I didn’t think that was the goal of the curriculum.



This kind of vaguely optimistic informationis perhaps part of the reason that there is some evidence that condom use is down in teens and that HIV infection rate among teens is rising again.


“Ontario: HIV cases reported for the period 2007 to 2012 increased by 2.4%”

Up to 60% of infected youth are unaware of being infected – so it won’t necessarily help to have good, honest communication.



Here are some references:

约克鹿 发表于 2015-6-25 12:28:01

#2THE SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS THAT CLEARLY SUPPORT THE VALUE OF DELAYING SEXUAL ACTIVITYARE ABSENT Part C1.3 does mention the option of delaying sexual activity but gives no reasons to do so.

2.某些清楚显示“推迟性行为价值”的科研成果在大纲中并未提及。大纲C部分1.3节提及了推迟性行为的做法, 但没有说明为何要这样做。

There is solid scientific evidence for delaying sexual activity and I think our teens have a right to know the science.


-risk of depression increases 3x in teens who are sexually active
-suicide attempts go up 3x in female teens and 8.5 x in male teens that are sexually active..
-there is no discussion of the documented increased risk of STIs from having intercourse as a teen because the skin on the cervix is more vulnerable to infection until the late teens or early 20/s when the skin of the cervix becomes durable and more resilient to infection
- I think it wouldbe supportive of teens who are deciding to delay sexual activity to know that there is more to being sexually active than appearing“cool” or “worldly wise and experienced.”
-in fact, sexually active teens are the ones who are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviours
-teens who grow up in families with more resources are more likely to delay the on set of sexual activity.
-it may seem like “everyone is doing it”but 30% of age 15-17 year olds have had sex, so 70% have not
-the value of waiting until one knows themselves and has a solid sense of self before becoming sexually active.
-there is no mention in the curriculum about the hormone oxytocin being released with sexual intercourse and petting and how this establishes an intenseattachment and bonding that will impair one’s ability to make a decision about a relationship that is based on rational values and the character of the person. Once you have sex you are hormonally bonded and it will be that much more difficult to end the relationship .

· 性行为活跃的青少年,患抑郁症的风险是一般人的3倍。
· 性行为活跃的少女试图自杀的几率为一般人的3倍, 男孩则为一般人的8.5倍。
· 大纲没有对以下的有书面记载的事实进行讨论:十几岁青少年性交导致性病感染的风险较大,因此时子宫颈的皮肤还较为脆弱,容易受到感染,但到将近20岁或20岁过后,情况则有不同,因那时子宫颈皮肤耐受性增强,抵抗感染能力更强。
· 青少年应当知道,决心推迟性行为比起因性行为活跃“显得酷”或者“显得聪明而世故,社会经验丰富”更为重要。
· 性行为活跃的青少年事实上更易于介入少年犯罪活动。
· 在拥有性教育资源较多的家庭里成长的青少年更倾向于推迟性行为;
· 看来似乎“每一个青少年都有性行为”,但实际上15-17岁的青少年中仅有30%有过性行为,其余的70%没有。
· 青少年应当将性行为推迟到对那人了解更为全面, 自我认知也较巩固之后,这一点十分重要。
· 大纲没有提及如下事实:性交时脑垂体分泌的后叶催产素以及爱抚的行为将会使双方产生强烈的依恋和联系感,此感觉将会损害青少年通过理性思考判断对方人格之后处理一段关系的能力。在发生性行为后,因为荷尔蒙的作用双方的联系趋于紧密,终止一段关系的难度也更大。

约克鹿 发表于 2015-6-25 12:28:36


If this curriculum is about health and keeping our children safe we need to be willing to discuss the risks of pornography – the mention of which is conspicuously absent in this curriculum despite research linking aggressive sexual behaviour and rape to porn use.

如果说该大纲旨在促进健康并保护我们孩子的安全, 我们就需要探讨一下色情材料产生的风险—尽管已有相关研究证明侵犯性性行为和强奸与色情材料使用有关,大纲仍明显未提及该问题。

We need to be aware and informed that pornography in 2015 is different than it was 20 or even 10 years ago – it is more aggressive and degrading to women. Should not something be said about this in terms of risks?



Those who use porn have an

-increased acceptance of rape myths, for example that women want to be raped or that women cause rape
-increased sexual aggression and increased risk of committing sexual offences
-increased risk for difficulties inintimate relationships
-association between age of first porn use and sexual risk taking
-higher number of sexual partners
-lower rate of condom use (given this one fact and the goal of condom use wouldn’t porn need to be addressed?)



Given that this sex education curriculum has a goal of increasing safety including increasing condom use, decreasing rape and sexual aggression – not educating teens on porn is a significant omission.


I am well aware that there is controversy over the concept of pornography “addiction.”The pornography industry is the biggest money maker on the internet and a very powerful lobby group.But I would hope that the “experts” writing a curriculum for our children would be more concerned about our children than about supporting the image that pornography is fine.I also have heard the government’s claims that Ben Levin did not write the curriculum. However, he did have oversight and it is hard to believe this omissionis not a reflection of his influence.

我清楚地意识到有关色情“瘾”的概念存在争议。色情工业是网络上最赚钱的产业也是选举中很有力量的势力。但我本指望“专家”在为孩子们写课程时更多地考虑我们的孩子而不是选择制造色情图片无害的形象。我也听说了政府宣称Ben Levin 没有参与书写该课程。然而,他的确参与监督工作,很难相信忽略对色情危害的教育不是由于他的影响。

约克鹿 发表于 2015-6-25 12:32:05

#4the complete absence of any education around how to be safe given the sextrafficking industry

Our teens need to be aware that there is a risk for the average Canadian teen, especially girl.

It is a myth that the girls who are trafficked are foreign.The vast majority are our own children.

This report explains:

-the risk is significant from age 14 –22 (from 7 or 8)
-sex trafficking victims come from allwalks of life.






In October 2013 the RCMP published a report ontrafficking

(put on a slide:Domestic Human Trafficking for SexualExploitation in Canada Oct 2013 -- Project SAFEKEEPING, an assessment ofdomestic human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Canada




PUTALL THIS ON A SLIDE AND JUST SAY I DON’T HAVE TIME TO GO OVER THE IMPORTANTTHINGS TO COMMUNICATE WITH OUR TEENS ABOUT TRAFFICKING – I just want to say there are important things to communicate and NOTHING is said in this curriculum.


-victims are Canadian citizens, 50% have no previous experience in erotic dancing or prostitution.
-In recent years,individuals with relatively stable backgrounds are increasingly becoming victims of human trafficking.


-niave and vulnerablegirls are lured in by pimps who pretend to love and care for them:

-Traffickers commonly initially gain and then maintain control over their victims by establishing trust through false friendship and romance, psychological control, threats,intimidation and violence.
- It is common for victims to fall in love with traffickers, willing to do anything to maintain the relationship.


- Victims usually meet traffickers directly, or through mutual friends or acquaintances.

-Traffickers often move their victims within and across provinces. Major hubs include the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta, with victims commonly trafficked between the neighbouring provinces.

-Some people mistakenly believe that victims are participating by choice, so are not motivated to help them. However, 78% ofCanadians agree that girls under the age of 16 are not in prostitution by choice.

-On average, a sex trafficker in Canada makes an annual financial gain of $280,800 from each victim they control.Since this is a highly lucrative crime, traffickers will go to extreme lengths to control their victims and evade law enforcement agencies.

-The anonymity of the Internet makes it easier to lure victims
(Put all this onslides but don’t go through it all)


I find it very disturbing that this curriculum, which is supposed to be all about safety, is silent on this risk.

GRADE 7 and 8 is the age we must tell our children about this.

Education on the risk of being trafficked is parallel to educating young children about stranger danger.The writers cannot possibly see this as unnecessarily scaring our teens when educators are already committed to warningvery young children about stranger danger.
性交易危险的教育和对年幼的孩子们 陌生人的危险的教育是平行的。


Yet there is not a word about trafficking in the curriculum.
I just don’t understand what the people writing this curriculum were thinking? It does not strike me that their primary concern was the safety of our children.


-Premier Wynne has said she is not going to enforce the prostitution law in Ontario which means this risk for our children will go up as the research is incontrovertibly clear that trafficking increases where prostitution is legal.

约克鹿 发表于 2015-6-25 12:35:23



This Ontario government acts as if those who oppose this curriculum have their heads in the sand and are standing in the way of progress.Well, I trust that it is very clear that I do not have my head in the sand.   In fact, on numerous crucial points I would say that Ben Levin, Premier Wynne, and education minister Liz Sandals have their heads in the sand.


I am concerned about the lack of ownership on the part of the government that this curriculum is written from a certain worldview, a worldview that not all subscribe to.   Many faiths have a religious worldview that has a teleological view of things – a view that there is a purpose to things,things including sex. .. such a person might conclude that the scientific documentation of oxytocin release with sexual intercourse has a purpose, for example, to enhance bonding in a partnership that will increase the stability of the basic family unit so that children have a safe place to grow up.I would venture to say that many people with a religious worldview would see this curriculum as inadequate because it doesn’t address purpose.


I am not saying that this curriculum teaches about sex without a worldview. It does very much teach about sex from a worldview – a worldview that sees purpose as irrelevant.For each of us has a worldview whether we are religious or not and when we speak or teach we do so against the backdrop of a worldview.


Why are the risks of HIV and STIssoftened?
Why are the advantages to delayingsexual activity not spelled out?
Why is pornography not mentioned in thiscurriculum?
Why does this curriculum not empower ourgirls to be aware and safe around the risk of beingtrafficked.


These are glaring gaps if the purpose of this curriculum is to protect our youth in the sexual area.


And I predict this curriculum may have the effect of decreasing condom use not increasing it by the way it glosses over the seriousness of sexually transmitted infections.


I would like to know who the experts are who wrote this curriculum – I would like disclosure – was there an expert involved in writing this curriculum who is involved clinically with adolescents? Someone who would have real world experience with the health issues ofteens?


Was there anyone on this committee who had a faith based worldview?If not,this is a travesty of the democratic process. Why the big secret about who wrote this?


In conclusion, I would not have my children participate in this sex education curriculum because it gives vague, inadequate and in places misleading information; it does not acknowledge the reality of different worldviewsand does not address the dangers of porn orsex trafficking.I do not believe the driving force of this curriculum is the safety of children and I think the government should be honest with itself about the poor quality of the curriculum to withdraw it completely.


静墨 发表于 2015-6-25 17:37:59


约克鹿 发表于 2015-6-25 22:50:02

静墨 发表于 2015-6-25 17:37
反对新教育大纲到底有实质性的进展没有啊?上个月,我家人和几个朋友的家人去市府游行。好像也没有什么下文 ...
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