皇家国际学院 发表于 2014-9-24 17:27:21

【雅思口语】 话题积累是关键,脱口成章有秘诀 (一)

雅思口语一直是中国学生最望而却步的部分,如何能顺畅地与考官进行有质量的沟通,使自己的话题内容更吸引人更有内涵,同时又兼顾语法和语音,这看似是一件难事。其实不然,备考雅思口语应当注重平时积累,这里整理了一些题材广泛的纪录片,让你在备考之余,边看边学,放松身心,开拓视野,确保考试时有料可说!全球最值得观看的50部纪录片(一)1. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (2010)By trying a juicing diet, Joe Cross is ableto experience a new perspective on life while making thecross-country journey across America. You can watch on Netflix.2. May I Be Frank? (2010)Frank’s choice to cut out all toxins and go completely veganis inspiring for anyone who wants to have a healthier life, both mentally andphysically. You can watch it on Hulu.3. Simply Raw (2009)This documentary shows the impact a raw diet can have onanyone, especially a group of diabetics who go raw for 30 days. You can watchit on YouTube.4. Vegucated (2011)Watch three New Yorkers embark on a vegan diet on Netflix.5. Food Fight (2004)Why are there so many packaged foods? And why is junk foodcheaper than health foods? Watch on Hulu to see for yourself.6. Supersize Me (2004)Though this documentary has been called out for exaggeratingthe effects of McDonald’s food, it is eye-opening to see how a diet consistingsolely of fast food can impact your health. Watch it here and make up your ownmind on the issue.7. Sicko (2007)Michael Moore’s documentary sheds light on the Americanhealth care system and points out the issues that many people who just want tobe healthy face every day.8. The Thin Blue Line (1988)This documentary literally freed a man from prison. ErrolMorris’ dedication to discovering the truth behind the Randall Adams’ case ledto the reopening of a murder case. Watch the whole documentary on Netflix.9. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)Director Albert Gibney takes a look into the corporate greedthat defrauded thousands of workers in the Enron scandal. Watch it on Huluhere.10. The Act of Killing (2013)Focusing on the Indonesian Killings of 1965?–1966, thisdocumentary can be difficult to watch. It confronts the terrible fact thatthe government contains many of the people involved in the genocidemany years ago. You can watch it on Netflix. Royal Canadian Institute of International Studies
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