美"连环大便手"随地拉屎 草坪私道无一幸免
据美国合众国际社5月8日报道,目前,美国休士顿警方正试图通过监控摄像头侦破一起“连环大便”案。作案的“连环大便手”在该市Woodland Height一带接连大便,各处草坪,甚至私人车道等地方无一幸免。“连环大便手”大多选择在晚上或大清早等天色较暗的时间作案,大便后的他通常用卫生纸擦拭并随手扔到一边。他的大便几乎遍布周围所有的住宅区,其中一户人家至少“中栽”六次。附近一位居民愤怒地说道:“在我们住的地方随地大便成何体统!连小狗都不许在院子里大便,更何况是人!”
据悉,警方会以不恰当暴露罪或刑事恶作剧罪将“连环大便手”逮捕归案。 这消息简直是在往近日来对屎最津津乐道的N号嘴里塞屎。 真变态! 不一样,美国人随地拉屎是变态,要管。 中国人随地拉屎是中国文化,要发扬光大。
- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版 不一样,美国人随地拉屎是变态,要管。 中国人随地拉屎是中国文化,要发扬光大。
- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版
5号 发表于 2014-5-10 20:14 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
你怎么能说主流社会变态呢? 本人证明,确有其事。看外形貌似黑发LATINO。
A serial pooper is on the loose in Houston. Residents of the Woodland Heights neighborhood say one man—pictured above—has repeatedly shit on their sidewalks and in their yards, striking the yard of one unlucky house at least six times.
"This is our neighborhood," Aimee Parsons, a Woodland Heights resident, told KPRC."Whatever people think should go on around here — pooping is not okay. We don't want dogs pooping in our yards why would we want a human? It is very strange."
One neighbor installed a security camera near his home, capturing the alleged pooper in the act.
Witnesses say the man carries paper towels with him to wipe, only to carelessly leave them behind on the sidewalk.
"It's definitely not a nice thing to do to people," a neighbor said. "Going to the bathroom in their driveway is not nice. That's definitely not something that's suppose to go on in polite society."
When—or if!—the man is caught, he could face criminal mischief or indecent exposure charges.Of course. Right in my hometown of Houston,TX.
If old, poop in my driveway.
All info comes from: http://gawker.com/houston-neighborho...per-1573404137 回复 6# 5 past 6
很man嘛,长得像你 回复5 past 6
闲着也是闲 发表于 2014-5-10 23:25 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
你想说明什么生物原理? 有屎以来,拉的最出名的 多伦多也有,有流浪汉喜欢在union station附近的人行道上拉,上次我差点中招 美式香肠, 代表自由, 直爽,随意, 豪放;制度好嘛