独家揭秘 美媒突诬陷中马航搜索的背后的原因安玛2014/4/16这个题目本来是放在《透视澳州总理阿博特访华》的第二步分来写的,因为日本发动新攻势,谎称已实际控制钓鱼岛120年,中国的官媒反驳不力,大堆的汉奸民运纷纷符合说什么日本人说的符合史实云云,看不过眼,于是开博文反击日本的大谎言。紧接着,就看到了纽约时报撰文攻击中国搜救马航误导了搜救,还说中国的设备落后等等,哈哈,大海捞针的马航搜救,最初在那南中国海给出无关信息的 是越南,随后马来西亚错误混乱的信息太多了,最后班师到南印度洋,中国报告说收到两次信号,当时澳州方面公开宣示这是当时最靠铺的信息呢,为何现在要收到美国媒体欲加之罪的无理问罪?再说这是人到救缓, 有钱出有力出力,某一国的设备是否先进根本不应是也不该是美媒泼妇开骂的理由。美国人太过分了,美媒大搞文革问罪,美媒体疯了失去理智了,美国无耻等等网民留言 充斥着大大小小的网站。美国人真的疯了,无事生非的对华欲加之罪,美国媒体真的失去理智了?当然不是,我来告诉你美国人无力攻击中国背后的考量。想知道答案的网友青豆去查看安玛的博文《透视澳总理阿博特访华》的第一部分,以下我来告诉大家下文的故事。当艾伯特结束访问还没有回到澳州,当地的媒体就开始清点艾伯特此行的成效了,悉尼晨锋报在头版头条《清点艾伯特的出访清单》( What are on the table?),即点出澳日打破7年僵局签署了两国自贸协议,这是此行的最大成果之一,中国方面签署今后几年对华出口18百万litre 的牛奶,新鲜牛羊肉,活牛羊,共同打造雪梨为人民币海外结算中心等等,总算是打开了石油和铁矿石以外的对华贸易新出口了,成绩亮丽,还与艾伯特本人特别强调的是与习近平建立的友好的个人关系等等。由于艾伯特上台后对华关系连续犯错,澳洲的社会舆论是提心吊胆又充满期待的盯总理访华的,现在清点的访华清单斩获不错,舆论普遍认为艾伯特此行是通过了大考, 是上任7个月来表现最好的一周,悉尼晨锋报还大胆预测,艾伯特一直低迷的民调下周一定会止跌回升甚至会出现大反弹,艾伯特的恩师,前总理霍华德更是笑逐颜开大赞艾伯特表现优越出色等等。正当澳州举国都为总理通过大考访华成功而兴高采烈的时候,美国十分恼火了,就在阿博特回国的第二天,澳洲媒体 《时代报》刊登了美国防部发表的解放军正在用三战(舆论战法律战心理战)来迷惑西方国家的报告,还特别提出了中国正在用“强迫经济诱惑”,矛头直指阿博特访华得到的贸易大单。我没有看到澳洲的主流媒体刊登和辩论美国防部的这份报告,阿伯特两天以后发出了要求解放军到澳洲与美军一起开展演习的谈话来看,我猜想阿伯特在北京签署的中澳两军联合演习的协议受到了美国人的非难,阿伯特的这番话就是给美国人的一个下台阶。澳洲是一个什么样的国家?美国正在全力打造策划一个亚太北约,澳洲被美认定是高于日本的盟友地位的,担负起亚太的英国的关键角色,可是这个国家现在从上到下都盼望着和中国友好做生意,哪有意愿充当亚太的英国呢?美国人看在眼里急在心上。特别是阿伯特在马航救援上受到了国内舆论的一致表扬,他本人就更愿意通过此事拉近和中国的关系,所以还特意宣布:如果家属同意将为遇难者设立纪念碑云云。美国人认为必须出手,不然的话中澳两国的借马航合作 越走越近,亚太北约的大计就可能泡汤了,所以纽约时报那些荒唐走板的种种辱华指责就粉墨登台了。指控太离谱必然吸引眼球,大争论下澳洲自然会尴尬地不吭声,阿伯特原期待中通过搜救与华拉近距离的计划自然也就流产了。这就是纽约时报突然发难无中生有的借助马航搜救无理攻击中国背后的真实原因。 天朝一有问题就拉越南马来西亚什么的下水,真小家子气。 直接把所有参加救援国家不分大小通通拉上断头台不是easy:http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/malaysia-airlines-mh370-list-of-false-hopes-1.2609126
March 9: Vietnam says a search plane spots objects in the South China Sea suspected to be from the plane, but they turn out to be unrelated. Malaysia's air force chief says there were indications on military radar that the jet may have turned back from its flight path and crossed the Malay peninsula after its communications systems went off. Authorities intensify their search on the western side of the country and in the northern part of the Strait of Malacca.
March 10: Searchers spot a floating yellow object, spurring speculation it could be a life raft, but it is found to be moss-covered piece of sea trash.
March 11: News early on that two of the 239 passengers on board used stolen passports fueled speculation of terrorism. Malaysian police determined that two men who boarded the plane with stolen passports were Iranians seeking to illegally migrate to Europe and not terrorists.
March 12: A Chinese state agency releases images of three white objects floating in the sea close to the plane's last confirmed position in the South China Sea, but Vietnamese and Malaysian searchers find nothing at the spot. Three days later, Malaysia's prime minister says satellite data showed the plane could be anywhere on two huge arcs: a northern one stretching from Thailand up to southern Kazakhstan, and a southern one from the western tip of Indonesia's Java Island to the southern stretches of the Indian Ocean.
March 19: Australia's prime minister says satellite images show two large objects floating in the southern Indian Ocean. They were never found.
March 22: A search plane spots a floating wooden pallet that appeared to be surrounded by straps of different lengths and colours, but spotters were unable to photograph it. A New Zealand military aircraft tried to find the objects for closer inspection, but found only clumps of seaweed.
March 23: A French satellite detects 122 floating objects, but search planes were unable to locate them. A day later, Malaysia's prime minister says new analysis of the satellite data shows the plane crashed into the southern Indian Ocean, somewhere west of the city of Perth.
March 27: A Thai satellite detects about 300 objects floating in the Indian Ocean. They were never verified to be from the plane.
March 28: The Australian agency co-ordinating the search shifts the search area about 1,100 kilometres to the northeast after analysis of radar data suggested that the plane flew faster than thought and used up more fuel, thereby reducing the distance it travelled.
March 30: Malaysia's defence minister says investigations of a flight simulator in the pilot's home, including a check by the FBI, turned up "nothing sinister."
April 10: An Australian aircraft picks up another possible underwater signal, but this is later found to be unrelated. The false lead came days after the Ocean Shield, an Australian ship, detected underwater "pings" on two days that were consistent with signals emitted from an aircraft's black boxes — the first major breakthrough in the search for Flight 370.
April 11: Australia's prime minister says authorities are now confident underwater signals are coming from the missing planes jet's flight data recorders in an area about 4,500 metres deep. He cautions that retrieving them from the ocean floor will be very challenging.
April 14: With no signals detected for six days amid speculation the black boxes' batteries have expired, the head of the joint search mission says an underwater submersible will be launched to scan the seafloor for remains of the plane. ......March 28: The Australian agency co-ordinating the search shifts the search area about 1,100 kilometres to the northeast after analysis of radar data suggested that the plane flew faster than thought and used up more fuel, thereby reducing the distance it travelled......进击的猪头 发表于 2014-4-16 18:18 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif