woorieducation 发表于 2014-2-4 14:00:16


Please check the link below. Parents sponsor immigration is closed since it reached the cap of 5000. It will re-open January 2, 2015. If any of your potential clients think about inviting their parents to Canada (immigration), they have to prepare from September, 2014.




News Release — Reuniting Families Faster
5,000 complete Parent and Grandparent program (PGP) applications now received since start of 2014February 3, 2014 — Ottawa—Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander today launched the next phase of the government’s plan to eliminate backlogs in the Parent and Grandparent program (PGP).As promised, earlier this year, the government reopened the PGP program to accept 5,000 new applications.As Citizenship and Immigration Canada has now received 5,000 complete applications, new intake into the PGP program will again pause until next year, as we devote our energy to reuniting more families. By the end of 2014, we expect to welcome an additional 20,000 parents and grandparents to Canada, marking a substantial reduction in wait times for all applicants.The government has a strong track record of reuniting families and loved ones and has taken action to ensure backlogs are reduced and processing times are improved. Since the Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification was launched in 2011, the government has cut the backlog in half and the department anticipates cutting the backlog by 75 per cent by the end of 2015.Canada continues to have the most generous family reunification program in the developed world. With the Super Visa, parents and grandparents can visit their families in Canada more quickly and conveniently. To date, more than 28,000 Super Visas have been issued and almost 98 per cent of Super Visa applicants who met the requirements were approved.The PGP program will re-open to new applications in January 2015. Further details will be available closer to that date.
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查看完整版本: 父母、祖父母团聚移民在2014年2月3日已满5000名额,将在2015年1月2日从新开放!!