蒋宋美龄请求美国给国军原子弹投放中国大陆的原文Free China Prepared To Destroy Mao's Nuclear Installations By Conventional Means: Mme. Chiang
Publication Date:11/07/1965
By William Fang, Staff Writer
Free China is prepared to destroy the nuclear installations of the Peiping regime by conventional means, Madame Chiang declared in an Oct. 31 nationwide NBC television-radio program "Meet the Press" in the United States.
"Give us the tools, and we shall finish the work," she told her 10 million TV viewers (plus millions more radio listeners) from the NBC Washington studio.
The First Lady said Red Chinese nuclear weapons constitute a much greater danger than generally recognized. Although she did not foresee Peiping using atomic bombs in the near future, she warned:
"We have to remember there is no time limit" and "we are not dealing with rational beings (in Peiping)...
Asked whether Russia was also worried over the danger posed by Peiping's nuclear bomb, Madame Chiang replied: "The free world is in exactly the same boat as the Russians vis-a-vis Communist China's nuclear experiments" and the Kremlin "would have the same interest in averting the danger of a preemptive strike by the Chinese Reds, because the Chinese Reds have the nuclear device and it is a dirty device and that is why it is all the more dangerous for the rest of the world."
Therefore, the First Lady concluded: "The Russians would shed no tears if anybody destroyed the Chinese Reds' nuclear installations, not even crocodile tears."
'Disunited Nations'?
Answering further questions by a panel of journalists, Madame Chiang said Chinese compatriots on the mainland "are crying out to us more and more." Acknowledging that Red China has many more troops, she pointed out that "those troops are not hardcore, hardnosed Communists." She cited the historic case of the Korean War in which 80 per cent of the POWs from the Chinese mainland chose freedom.
"So, the number of troops, instead of being an asset to the Red Chinese, will be a detriment," she explained.
As free China's struggle is so closely linked with the Vietnam war, the Chinese First Lady was asked to assess the possibility of the Peiping intervening. Her answer was an emphatic "No." But she quickly added that as soon as Washington fails to show firmness, Peiping will take steps.
On Peiping and the UN membership, she said if Peiping were admitted, then, instead of a United Nations, the world body would become a "Disunited Nations."
'Give Us The Tools'
Madame Chiang's television interview drew enthusiastic response from the New York Daily News on Nov. 2.
The widely-circulated tabloid ran an editorial under the title "An Offer from Taiwan".
"Appearing on the TV program 'Meet the Press' Sunday, Madame Chiang Kai-shek made a most appetizing offer to the United States.
"Madame Chiang, as the wife of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, is the First Lady of China, and we can safely assume this offer was sanctioned by President Chiang himself.
"The offer was to supply qualified Chinese pilots from Taiwan to fly U.S.-furnished bombers with ample conventional bombs to take out the Peiping regime's nuclear arms facilities. 'Give us the tools,' Mme. Chiang paraphrased the late Sir Winston Churchill, 'and we will do the work'." 本帖最后由 酒中仙 于 2013-8-14 15:45 编辑
明明蒋宋美龄信中说的是,由美国提供支援,由国军提供飞行员,用常规武器摧毁新出炉的中国的核设施的计划,"The offer was to supply qualified Chinese pilots from Taiwan to fly U.S.-furnished bombers with ample conventional bombs to take out the Peiping regime's nuclear arms facilities. 'Give us the tools,' Mme. Chiang paraphrased the late Sir Winston Churchill, 'and we will do the work'." 毛左却用标题说成是“请求美国给国军原子弹投放中国大陆”。猪鬃要是不懂英文,就别引用英文冒傻气了。
其实,人人都知道毛泽东曾经动员苏联用中国做战场,和美国打原子战争,死掉一半中国人没关系。 本帖最后由 hls812 于 2013-8-20 16:22 编辑
伊朗应该拥有核武器 这是毛左无耻造谣又一例:
明明蒋宋美龄信中说的是,由美国提供支援,由国军提供飞行员,用常规武器摧毁新出炉的中国的核设施的计划,"The offer was to supply qualified Chinese pilots from Taiwan to fly U.S.-furnished bombers with ample conventional bombs to take out the Peiping regime's nuclear arms facilities. 'Give us the tools,' Mme. Chiang paraphrased the late Sir Winston Churchill, 'and we will do the work'." 毛左却用标题说成是“请求美国给国军原子弹投放中国大陆”。猪鬃要是不懂英文,就别引用英文冒傻气了。
酒中仙 发表于 2013-8-14 15:43 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
要加强学习呀。不过,俺认为这不是懂不懂英文那么简单,而是选择性不懂。:D 要加强学习呀。不过,俺认为这不是懂不懂英文那么简单,而是选择性不懂。
胡硕士 发表于 2013-8-15 10:34 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
你看她当初是多么的幼稚可笑 要加强学习呀。不过,俺认为这不是懂不懂英文那么简单,而是选择性不懂。
胡硕士 发表于 2013-8-15 10:34 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
胡二椅子咋选择,M还是F? 都不是东西。 要加强学习呀。不过,俺认为这不是懂不懂英文那么简单,而是选择性不懂。
胡硕士 发表于 2013-8-15 10:34 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
毛左跟他们的老大毛泽东一路货色,胆大包天的忽悠,睁着眼睛说瞎话习惯了。 这是毛左无耻造谣又一例:
明明蒋宋美龄信中说的是,由美国提供支援,由国军提供飞行员,用常规武器摧毁新出炉的中国的核设施的计划,"The offer was to supply qualified Chinese pilots from Taiwan to fly U.S.-furnished bombers with ample conventional bombs to take out the Peiping regime's nuclear arms facilities. 'Give us the tools,' Mme. Chiang paraphrased the late Sir Winston Churchill, 'and we will do the work'." 毛左却用标题说成是“请求美国给国军原子弹投放中国大陆”。猪鬃要是不懂英文,就别引用英文冒傻气了。
酒中仙 发表于 2013-8-14 15:43 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
你的意思是不是用常规武器轰炸自己的祖国就是好的,就是人道的?那我用常规武器轰炸一下你们家,你愿意么? 你的意思是不是用常规武器轰炸自己的祖国就是好的,就是人道的?那我用常规武器轰炸一下你们家,你愿意么?
祖宗 发表于 2013-8-20 01:16 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
小祖如此理解问题,会让组织失望的。:D 我们要肯定任何人的所有功劳,我们要否定任何人的所有罪过。
凡是功劳都肯定,凡是罪过都否定! 小祖如此理解问题,会让组织失望的。
胡硕士 发表于 2013-8-20 09:17 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
凡是把注意力集中在他祖宗不懂英文,进而口诛笔伐,认为他祖宗不懂英文比蒋宋美龄哀求美国爹爹用“常规武器”而不是“核武器”轰炸中国更罪大恶极的家伙,我老人家就让它尽情表演! 老九也是断章取义的高手。
明明蒋宋美龄信中说的是,由美国提供支援,由国军提供飞行员,用常规武器摧毁新出炉的中国的核设施的计划,"The offer was to supply qualified Chinese pilots from Taiwan to fly U.S.-furnished bombers with ample conventional bombs to take out the Peiping regime's nuclear arms facilities. 'Give us the tools,' Mme. Chiang paraphrased the late Sir Winston Churchill, 'and we will do the work'." 毛左却用标题说成是“请求美国给国军原子弹投放中国大陆”。猪鬃要是不懂英文,就别引用英文冒傻气了。
酒中仙 发表于 2013-8-14 15:43 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif 不论怎么说,这个贱货是基督徒中的败类。
- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版 真奇怪宋美龄怎么不能生孩子呢?