理财无忧 发表于 2004-10-16 16:42:52


“机遇垂青有备之族”。加拿大驻上海总领事馆领事、加拿大安大略省驻中国办事处首席代表宋毅军博士为袁惠松新著《加拿大投资理财》一书作序中如是说。从中国留学生到加拿大外交官,宋毅军博士是我们华裔加拿大人或说加藉华裔的骄傲。是杰出华人移民成功融入北美主流社会的一个具有代表性的典范。毕业于山东师范大学并留校任教的他,上世纪八十年代留学加拿大。相继获得北美及世界著名的多伦多大学的硕士学位和博士学位。二零零二年的二月,他成了有史以来加拿大安大略省政府派往中国的第一个、也是唯一的驻华政府代表。肩负着加强安省与中国特别是安省与上海及中国东南部地区的联系,为加拿大商人进入大陆市场、同时也为中国的商人到加拿大寻找商机提供帮助的重任。目前他还担任加中经贸理事会的上海部(Canada China Business Council’s Shanghai Chapter)董事,并且是上海安省(中国)商会(Ontario Business Association in Shanghai)的创始人。在加拿大的二十多年,他从少数裔族的留学生成长为外交官。枫叶之国成就了他的事业,实现了他的理想。他就是那种特有准备、胸有成竹地迎接机遇的英雄。宋毅军博士在《加拿大投资理财》一书序言中所阐述的机遇垂青有备之族的见解、他的成功及其所具有的鼓舞性及感召力,将会积极地影响、激励千百万海外华人、尤其是新移民。

—                                —为我的朋友袁惠松的新著《加拿大投资理财》而写的序


上个世纪的八、九十年代之交,我和袁惠松作为同学和校友,相遇、相知于加拿大最有声誉的专业研究生院---多伦多大学安大略教育研究院。可是,后来我们两个谁也没有沿着教育家或学者的道路继续走下去。当初袁惠松从学术界“离经叛道”时,我们感到吃惊甚至为他的决定而困惑。直到有一天,他给我一些基金材料时,我才开始发现他已经热衷于他的新的职业生涯。为了更好地服务他的顾客,他进修了许多专业提高课程,并获得了许多新的专业职衔,如 加拿大证券学院院士(FCSI)、特许财务计划师(CFP)、金融管理师(FMA)、特许金融经纪(CFSB)、加拿大投资经理(CIM)等等。在互惠基金的“鼎盛年代”,他作了很好的准备,以充分利用这种机遇。于是,有准备的他,碰上了机遇而没有擦肩而过。






For my friend George Yuan
      by Yijun Song, Ed.D.
   Oct 8, 2004 in Shanghai

I often remind myself that opportunities are for those who are prepared. After reading George Yuan’s book, I believe that he was indeed fully prepared to optimize the opportunities presented to him. From a peasant in Chongming, Shanghai to a well-known financial planner in Toronto, George has definitely stepped over many “impossible huddles”. Although his life story is not a fairy tale, I could not help thinking the “ugly duckling” story.

In the later 80s and early 90s of last century, I met George at OISE, U of T – a most reputable specialized graduate school in Canada, but neither of us continued on the pass of being an educator or a scholar.At the time when George was “strayed” from the academic pursuits, we were surprised and even felt sorry for his decision. Not until one day he came to me for distributing some mutual funds information, I began to find out his dedication to his new career.To be better qualified to serve his clients, he undertook many professional enhancement courses and got many new certifications under his belt, such as FCSI, CFP, FMA, CFSB and CIM…. He was well prepared to take advantages of the “golden days” of mutual funds. So he made it.

Due to the conflict of schedule, I could not visit his home in Chongming with him this September, but I did see his one bedroom apartment at Charles Street and his first couple of modest homes in Toronto. I can still recall the image that he was accompanying his wife enjoying spring flowers at Queen’s Park when she was pregnant with their first child.To Yuan Yue, it must sound “so ancient”, but to us who have shared the similar experience seems it was just yesterday. Like many of us, fortunately the “yesterday” is long gone.

Eager to learn more about him, I naturally focused more on his experiences, perceptions and views on investment, financial planning and insurance when I went through his first draft. I did slow down when I browsed the chapters on venture capital, risk management, mutual fund products and RRSP. Yes, you can find books on similar topics in English, but it is refreshing to have this very readable book in Chinese for the Chinese readers. For those who are planning to start a new venture in Canada and those who are wondering how to manage their financial resources, this book is coming at the right time.

Once again, I congratulate him on the publication of the book and thank him to take time sharing his experiences in life and work with us. His advice on how to manage our hard-earned money will be surely appreciated.

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