小西天 发表于 2001-11-28 18:46:51


Two confirmed bachelors sat talking. Their conversation drifted from politics to cooking.

"I got a cookbook once," said the first, "but I could never do anything with it."

"Too much fancy cooking in it, eh?" asked the second.

"You said it. Every one of the recipes began the same way 'Take a clean dish and....'"   


加国无忧 发表于 2001-11-28 20:34:01

要不这样,小西天,你每天来一个这样的笑话,我们也学学,好吗? :o

小西天 发表于 2001-11-28 20:38:33

好啊,我这儿英语笑话儿多,荤的素的都有,外带插图, hihihi 。

加国无忧 发表于 2001-11-28 20:42:14

那就说定了,每天都来,我在首页给你圈个地,如何? :D

小西天 发表于 2001-11-28 20:57:05


加国无忧 发表于 2001-11-28 20:57:48

最初由 [ 小西天 ] 发布
好呀,俺去备马啦。是不是只要健康的?   你看着办:O
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