石针养花 发表于 2012-12-9 10:49:41

正在四处找hardy camellia(zone6),包括online order

本帖最后由 石针 于 2014-2-20 18:57 编辑


云高天阔 发表于 2012-12-9 12:23:56

石针 发表于 2012-12-9 10:49 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

请教石针,camellia在国内有吗? 中文叫什么名?

maobei 发表于 2012-12-9 15:00:41

camellia 中文名是 山茶花

花草迷 发表于 2012-12-9 15:34:42

camellia 中文名是 山茶花
maobei 发表于 2012-12-9 15:00 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


jlxu 发表于 2012-12-9 15:41:16

You can try the website

The nursery is in USA. I think to order the plant is very expensive. You may try to get seeds and germinate them. My seedling is 9 month old. It is 15cm tall. The stem diamater is 3mm.

石针养花 发表于 2012-12-9 16:49:14

请教石针,camellia在国内有吗? 中文叫什么名?
云高天阔 发表于 2012-12-9 12:23 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    茶花。前一阵子做了一个coldframe, 想明年试试茶花。没有保护,大多地区没有办法过冬,所以户外种的人极少,据说本地也没有花店卖,最有可能是网上订。

石针养花 发表于 2012-12-9 17:02:46

You can try the website

The nursery is in USA. I think to order the plant is very expensive. You may try to get seeds and germinate them. My seedling is 9 month old. It is 15cm tall. The stem diamater is 3mm.
jlxu 发表于 2012-12-9 15:41 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    Wow, l like start it from seeds! Where did you get the seeds and how's the germination rate? Any special treats need to give them? Thanks!

云高天阔 发表于 2012-12-9 19:06:39

本帖最后由 云高天阔 于 2012-12-9 20:14 编辑

茶花。前一阵子做了一个coldframe, 想明年试试茶花。没有保护,大多地区没有办法过冬,所以户外种的人极少,据说本地也没有花店卖,最有可能是网上订。
石针 发表于 2012-12-9 16:49 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我在这里的苗圃看到有Tea Rose在卖, 我原以为Tea Rose就是茶花, 所以想知道和camellia的区别.

jlxu 发表于 2012-12-9 20:02:37

I bought the seeds from ebay.com (USA site). I asked if the seller can ship them to Canada and I was will to pay more shipping fee. In USA, no one would buy seeds because you can get a one gallon pot of Camellia for $6.00.

You must buy the fresh seeds. I tried non-fresh seeds and get 0 germation rate. When I bought the fresh seeds, the description said they picked in Park near a red semi-double Camellia tree, I got 5/10 germination rate. Later 3 seedling were too weak and I lost one. I gave away two seedling. Now I have one is good and one is weak.

The treatment is that you need to use a nutcrack.Crack seeds lightly to remove shells. Be careful don't hurt the inside.Then soak them overnight.

I mix half perlite and half seedling mix in coconut shell pot. Bury them on the top of soil and spray them twice because I can't control myself seeing them many times a day. I got seedling between one week and two weeks.

There is a website you can read

石针养花 发表于 2012-12-9 20:54:57

I bought the seeds from ebay.com (USA site). I asked if the seller can ship them to Canada and I was will to pay more shipping fee. In USA, no one would buy seeds because you can get a one gallon pot of Camellia for $6.00.

You must buy the fresh seeds. I tried non-fresh seeds and get 0 germation rate. When I bought the fresh seeds, the description said they picked in Park near a red semi-double Camellia tree, I got 5/10 germination rate. Later 3 seedling were too weak and I lost one. I gave away two seedling. Now I have one is good and one is weak.

The treatment is that you need to use a nutcrack.Crack seeds lightly to remove shells. Be careful don't hurt the inside.Then soak them overnight.

I mix half perlite and half seedling mix in coconut shell pot. Bury them on the top of soil and spray them twice because I can't control myself seeing them many times a day. I got seedling between one week and two weeks.

There is a website you can read
jlxu 发表于 2012-12-9 20:02 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Many thanks for the information! What's your plan to over winter them in the future?

jlxu 发表于 2012-12-9 21:32:33

Since thay are not hardy Camellia. They are just camellia japonica. I have to take them indoor when the temperature reach near 0 degree. I never feed them indoor. I only water them sparingly on top. In the picture, Camellia is at back on the windowsill.

jlxu 发表于 2012-12-9 21:36:44

If a cold frame is working for the camellia, I will perfer to put it outside.

juliac 发表于 2012-12-10 21:05:41

i bought one camellia tree arround $80.00 in foody mart in Y2010 and there were over ten fragrant and very beautiful flowers opened.

juliac 发表于 2012-12-10 21:10:36

我 在foodmart 花了大约 $80 买了一茶花 (Japanese Camellia).

jlxu 发表于 2012-12-10 21:30:56

Would you please post a picture for us to enjoy?
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