没事瞎掺和 发表于 2004-6-4 10:28:00


QuailEgg 发表于 2004-6-8 14:26:21

fucking Ontario MTO

MTO (安省交通部)简直就是拿新手司机当生财之道,一次通过率很低.



WingYin 发表于 2004-6-8 18:49:05

Bad News!!!!Alberta has a graduated driver licensing program, too!

Alberta's graduated driver licensing program

Good luck!

It's definately easier to pass the driving tests if you are a teenager.I took G2 test once, and G test once, and now I'm driving.   My dad took G test for some 7 or 8 times before he passed the test.And the MTO people don't like to hear that you've been driving since god knows when.They say you don't like to adopt the driving habit in Canada.
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