梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 12:51:48

悲剧了!在加拿大购物还让让感到放心吗? 看看我购买的UGG鞋穿了不到几次居然就

10月22号在FAIRVIEW MALL买的UGG鞋, 10月31号就我偶然发现鞋的后跟上面一点的裂得很离谱, 问老公说才买不久的鞋, 这能算质量问题吗, 可换否, 老公说没问题,加拿大这边的购物一般让人放心的, 于是2号满怀信心前往店面, 给他们看了下,店员说这不是质量问题, 我说这不是一双便宜的鞋子,加完税220多块的鞋子,买了不到10天, 穿了几次就成这样了, 请问您还说这不是质量问题吗? 谁知她淡定地说这不是从裂缝裂开的就不算是质量问题的, 于是她说她没办法给我更换, 我问这是你们公司自己生产的鞋吗? 她说不是,是澳大利亚品牌,我问你们能否和厂家沟通, 像这样的状况能否解决一下, 我们买了还不到10天, 她说这鞋是澳大利亚品牌在中国生产的, 我们只是从某个代理那边买来卖的。 最后我没办法,我说你们的鞋卖给顾客不到10天就破了, 如果你不给更换, 这件事说出去你们公司的名誉也受损, 她居然还是无动于衷! 悲催啊! 最后她还不忘提醒我说可以拿去补鞋, 我说这还能补得跟新的一样否, 她耸着肩无奈地摇摇头, 我愤愤地说, 以后我不会再光顾你们的鞋店了, 也不会再买什么UGG品牌的鞋子了, 因为这个鞋子穿了不到10天就破了, 而且你们不给更换, 这就是你们公司和UGG给我留下的的坏印像。

口说无凭, 我还是发下发票和破损处,以及当时到店里她们给我的名片。 其实我对于像这样子状况能否要求店家更换我心里也是没底的, 只是老公说以前他买的一台相机, 有些功能发现不怎么好用, 于是拿到店里问, 人家二话不说, 没问任何理由就给更换一台新的了, 而且当时已经用了一个多月了。。悲催的, 我居然买了不到10天就成这样了, 所以想发上来让大家评论一下, 像我这样的情况是否属可以更换或退货的请求? 加拿大这边没有保护消费者的权利吗?遇到这种店家不肯更换的有地方去申斥吗?恳请解答。

看看以下的发票, 我买的是正牌, 今天打了客服, 正准备把这些发给他们去处理, 这么贵的鞋就这样没了, 我要维权。。。

梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 12:53:06

店里经理找过了, 不管用, 后来我找了总公司的客服, 还不知道什么时候能解决呢, 以下是我和他们的往来邮件, 有心的人帮我看看, 他们有真心在为顾客办事, 还是想拖我?

Hello from SoftMoc

We have contact the store. You may take the item in to leave for the district manager. You will need to leave your name and phone number for contacting you once the district manager has looked at the item. The store manager can assist you taking your information. She will be in the store tomorrow.

Thank you for shopping with us at www.SoftMoc.com Where Fashion is Comfort,

Best Wishes,
SoftMoc Customer Service
Toll Free - 1.877.763.8662
[email protected]

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Toll Free Customer Service Hours - 1-877-SOFTMOC (Option 1)
Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 11am-9pm EST.

From: 'shanna'
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 5:47 PM
To: 'SoftMoc'; 'shanna'
Subject: 答复: UGG borken shoe

Dear Schrissy, (customer service manager)

Maybe after checking the shoe
Your manager will say it's caused by misuse
As the broen shoe is not stitching coming loose, sole coming apart or cracking
It's ripped near the stitching
I think its poor quality for the material texture itself
As a strong enough material will be afford to wear at least several month or even one year or two year or more
But your shoe only sold out 8 days
Since it’s desinged like the way it’s been for the customer
It should be strong enough to keep not ripped after so short time
As for the wrong size
I can say its right size for me
As every shoe I weared in Canada Market is same size at seven

I will take the broken one to your shop
Please make a call to the salesgirl on the shop
As I do not know if they will accept to leave my shoe and waiting for solving problem.

Best wishes and warm regards
Shanna Wu

发件人: SoftMoc
发送时间: 2011年11月12日 5:56
收件人: 'shanna'
主题: RE: UGG borken shoe

Hello from SoftMoc,

I apologize you are frustrated with the situation, but the information I have provided is the way our policy works. There are certain problems that will occur with a product that are consider defects, such as stitching coming loose, sole coming apart or cracking, etc and then there are problems cause by wear and tear, improper fit, etc that are caused by misuse or wrong sizing, etc. We have to have a manager or DM who is trained in spotting these defects verify that it is a defect with the product. If the manager has stated they feel it is not a defect, the two methods I suggested to you, are to give you a second opinion on the item to see if the Manager perhaps made an incorrect decision on the item. We cannot arrange specific meetings with our DM’s, as they travel from store to store and their schedule is constantly changing. You would need to leave the product at the store location, with your contact information and the next time the DM is in the store, they will inspect the product and give you a call in regards to their decision. I apologize if this is any kind of inconvenience to you, it is not meant to inconvenience our customers in any way, it is only to ensure that the items being returned are verified defective items.

Thank you for shopping with us at www.SoftMoc.com Where Fashion is Comfort,

Best Wishes,
SoftMoc Customer Service
Toll Free - 1.877.763.8662
[email protected]

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Toll Free Customer Service Hours - 1-877-SOFTMOC (Option 1)
Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 11am-9pm EST.

From: shanna
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 4:24 PM
To: 'SoftMoc'
Subject: 答复: UGG borken shoe

Dear Schrissy, (customer service manager)

When I took the shoe to your shop
I told the salesgirl
I only buy this shoe 10 days ago
Now it’s broken
It quite clear to certificate it’s belong to bad quality of the shoe
She just told me even I buy this shoe just 1 hour ago
If the broken is not coming from the split thread
They cannot replace new one for me
I am quite confused
Why she can told that
When my husband a camera
He found a little problem and taken it to shop
The salesmen even do not ask any reasons
And change a new one for him
It’s really make us feeling safe while shopping
But your company’s way of business is really made us feeling insecurity
That’s can be found from your salesgirl’s word to customer
At that time they don’t let me leave the shoe to the shop for further inspecton
And just turn me away
And after I called to you
You let me ship the broken one to your headoffice for inspection
Why inspection again?
What rules you think it’s belong to quality problem or not?
I don’t care it’s broken from where place should be said quality problem
But the truth is that I buy this shoe from your shop
But now it’s broken after 8 days in normal wearing

Anyway when I talk to you
You reply me quickly
It made me feel good
So I will agree to come to your shop where I bought the shoe again
Please help making an appointment with your district manager
And tell me when district manager will been on the shop located in 1800 Sheppard Avenue, Willowdale ON M2J 5A7
As I would like to take my shoes to him for inspection directly
If district manager still decide that your company cannot replace or refund
Then I will take the broken shoe away and find another government organization to complaint about this problem I met with your company

Best wishes and warm regards
Shanna Wu

发件人: SoftMoc
发送时间: 2011年11月12日 3:23
收件人: 'shanna'
主题: RE: UGG borken shoe

Hello from SoftMoc,

If it was the store manager that inspected your product initially and turned you away, the next step would be to send them to our Head Office for inspection or take the product back into the store and leave the item for a District Manager to inspect. District Managers are not in our stores every day, only about once every week to two weeks. You would need to leave the item for inspection and once the DM has arrived at the store and inspected the product, and they would then contact you back with the DM’s decision. The reason we need the item shipped to us if our Head Office is making a decision on the product is because we must physically inspect the product to ensure we see every aspect of the product inside and out and where the errors have occurred, as well as verify that the boot is authentic. We are unable to verify all this just through photos. If the product is shipped back to our Head Office for inspection and is not deemed defective, you would be sent back the product and receipt via UPS.

Regardless of which ever option you choose from the above mentioned information, we do have to have a trained staff member (either store manager, District manager or upper management at head office) deem the product defective after physically inspecting the item in order to replace or refund the product for you.

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us via email or by phone.

Thank you for shopping with us at www.SoftMoc.com Where Fashion is Comfort,

Best Wishes,
SoftMoc Customer Service
Toll Free - 1.877.763.8662
[email protected]

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Toll Free Customer Service Hours - 1-877-SOFTMOC (Option 1)
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From: shanna
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 11:57 AM
To: 'SoftMoc'
Subject: 答复: UGG borken shoe

Dear Schrissy, (customer service manager)

Thank you for the quick reply
But I don’t think its good way to ship you borken shoe
I think where I buy the shoe
Where your company need have someone there to solve the problem
But not instruct somewhere that is far from my house
I can take the borken shoe to your shop again for you to inspect the damage
But I cannot ship this broken shoe to you
After I sent to you
And you just told that’s not quality problem and cannot replace new one
At that time I do not have receipt and borken shoe in my hand
Then how can I do for the next step?

I think I have taken the photos for you
You have that all the photos to discuss whether it can be replaced
The problem is quite clear
That is the shoe sold out only 8 days from your shop
Then it’s broken
If you discuss the broken shoe can be replaced
I can take borken one to your shop to replace a new one
Please advise me your comments.

Best wishes and warm regards
Shanna Wu

发件人: SoftMoc
发送时间: 2011年11月12日 0:15
收件人: 'shanna'
主题: RE: UGG borken shoe

Hello from SoftMoc,

We offer a 1 year reasonable wear guarantee on any product deemed defective. As per our phone conversation, if the store said that they were unable to help you. Your next option would be to send the product back to our head office for inspection (as we must physically inspect the product to be able to determine of the product is defective). Please ship the item along with a copy of your receipt to the address provided below and once inspected, if deemed defective we can replace the product for you. As well, if you include a copy of your shipping costs (by standard mail only as we cannot reimburse for express shipping), we can refund you the shipping cost if the item is deemed defective. We also recommend you ask for a tracking number when shipping the product back, to ensure you can keep the track of the package until it arrives to us. If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us via email or by phone.

Please Ship item to:
Attention: Online Department
1400 Hopkins Street
Units 3 & 4
Whitby, ON
L1N 2C3

Thank you for shopping with us at www.SoftMoc.com Where Fashion is Comfort,

Best Wishes,
SoftMoc Customer Service
Toll Free - 1.877.763.8662
[email protected]

Register for a My Account today & Start Getting Rewarded! It's FREE!

Toll Free Customer Service Hours - 1-877-SOFTMOC (Option 1)
Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 11am-9pm EST.

From: shanna
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 10:13 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: UGG borken shoe

Dear Schrissy (customer service manager),

Just to have call conversation with you
As I told you on call
I purcahsed a UGG shoe from your shop located in 1800 Sheppard Avenue, Willowdale ON M2J 5A7 on OCT 22
But after 8 days
I found the shoe is broken from the rear side
So I took the broken shoe to your shop on NOV 2nd
But the salesgirl on shop told me it’s not quality problem
As the breakage is not coming from the split thread of the shoe
They can not change a new shoe for me or refund back the money
I don’t understand
I spent CAD225.99 to purchase this shoe, which is not really a cheap shoe
It's a famous Australian brand shoe
Only after 8 days
It become broken
Why your salesgirl can say ts not belong to quality problem?
Anyway I am wearing this shoe only several times in normal way
If a shoe is strong enough and good quality
Why will it broken after so short time?

Anyway I do really hope your company can refund me back the money or change a new shoe to me
I think your company is a famous company and do want to give customer a bad impression
I can wait for you in 2 days to solve the problem

Here I attached the broken shoe photos taken on NOV 4 together with receipt.

Best wishes and warm regards
Shanna Wu

梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 12:59:36

本帖最后由 梅花馨 于 2011-11-15 13:01 编辑

已经把此文发到约克网了, 可是好像没多少人回应, 所以又发在这里了,我是初来加拿大的新移民(06年短登陆,只是最近才来长住) 对这里的论坛不甚熟, 对加拿大的购物方面多少还是听到一些的, 对于像这样的情况是否能坚持让店里给我换双新鞋, 我心里是没把握的, 望有经验的人给我建议呀, 怎么维权比较好?

陆仁 发表于 2011-11-15 13:30:17

回复 3# 梅花馨

    你发信给总部是对的。但下次你发什么投诉信,别忘了多加一两个那样的地址,如consumer services ([email protected])等。

用C.C. 的方式发,让对方也知道有官方的顾客保护组织也知道了这件事。。。。。

你一早就应该给comsumer protection的机构也联系上了。


陆仁 发表于 2011-11-15 13:31:52


陆仁 发表于 2011-11-15 13:35:38




梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 14:34:54

谢谢楼上的建议, 我下次发信就会CC给相关部门, 我刚才又发了一封信告诉总部, 我已经把鞋留在店里了, 让他们区域经理看了后有了结果给我及时回复, 我还顺带实话告诉他们我把自己的购物经历发在了论坛上请求网友的援助建议, 希望能得到他们公平合理的解决方案

云高天阔 发表于 2011-11-15 15:02:34

已经把此文发到约克网了, 可是好像没多少人回应, 所以又发在这里了,我是初来加拿大的新移民(06年短登陆,只是最近才来长住) 对这里的论坛不甚熟, 对加拿大的购物方面多少还是听到一些的, 对于像这样的情况是否能坚持让店里给我换双新鞋, 我心里是没把握的, 望有经验的人给我建议呀, 怎么维权比较好?
梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 12:59 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


简单快乐 发表于 2011-11-15 16:38:00

谢谢楼上的建议, 我下次发信就会CC给相关部门, 我刚才又发了一封信告诉总部, 我已经把鞋留在店里了, 让他们区域经理看了后有了结果给我及时回复, 我还顺带实话告诉他们我把自己的购物经历发在了论坛上请求网友的援助建议, 希望能得到他们公平合理的解决方案
梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 14:34 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 20:11:02

本帖最后由 梅花馨 于 2011-11-15 20:13 编辑

云高天阔 发表于 2011-11-15 15:02 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

这不闲着没事就跟他们耗着呗, 放心楼主我还不至于因为这件事弄到自己吃不好睡不香的, 说句实话, 我失去的不过就是225CAD罢了, 这样的公司要是由于处理不好这件事给人留下话柄, 那是他们莫大的损失, 熟轻熟重希望他们给个明智的结果, 说实话, 经过这件事, 我以后是不会再买他们店的鞋了, 虽说不是做工的问题, 但是产品本身存在明显的质地问题,要不然,如果质地够好, 为什么穿了几天就会裂, 这点他们店里的经理居然说, 不是缝线的地方裂开的就不算是质量问题, 我就是前一个小时刚买的鞋他们也不会给我更换新的, 这个回答让我很火大, 非要他们给个说法

云高天阔 发表于 2011-11-15 22:41:27

这不闲着没事就跟他们耗着呗, 放心楼主我还不至于因为这件事弄到自己吃不好睡不香的, 说句实话, 我失去的不过就是225CAD罢了, 这样的公司要是由于处理不好这件事给人留下话柄, 那是他们莫大的损失, 熟轻熟重希望他们给个明智的结果, 说实话, 经过这件事, 我以后是不会再买他们店的鞋了, 虽说不是做工的问题, 但是产品本身存在明显的质地问题,要不然,如果质地够好, 为什么穿了几天就会裂, 这点他们店里的经理居然说, 不是缝线的地方裂开的就不算是质量问题, 我就是前一个小时刚买的鞋他们也不会给我更换新的, 这个回答让我很火大, 非要他们给个说法
梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-15 20:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我说这个的意思是说, 不要因为这么一件小事,对整个加拿大产生负面影响, 这个社会总的来说还是积极的,正面的。

梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-16 09:46:20

回复 10# 梅花馨

很不幸, 我遇到的公司就是明知道是质量问题却不肯给我退换, 还一再的说我就是1小时前买的他们也不给我退换。 一般来讲, 如果遇到这种情况, 有的店铺是不会质问理由就是退换, 可是他们却要查来查去的, 似乎在怀疑我是故意把鞋弄坏拿去退换的, 很让人反感

陆仁 发表于 2011-11-16 10:22:23

回复 12# 梅花馨

本来说,在加拿大你买名牌的货品是很有保证的,应该能退能换,我在Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depo,Canadian Tire等买东西要退的话,都是没有异议的。可你的个案办不通,是有点令人费解。

Wish U all the best。

梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-16 11:04:26


很不幸, 我遇到的公司就是明知道是质量问题却不肯给我退换, 还一再的说我就是1小时前买的他们也不给我退换。 一般来讲, 如果遇到这种情况, 有的店铺是不会质问理由就是退换, 可是他们却要查来查去的, 似乎在怀疑我是故意把鞋弄坏拿去退换的, 很让人反感
梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-16 09:46 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我也在加沃尔玛买过汽车婴儿座,当时感觉下面底盘会有刮伤汽车座垫的危险, 所以就拿去退换了, 当时发票没在身上, 人家还是花时间帮我查了下就退换掉了,且没问任何退换的理由, 所以我觉得在这儿购物很让放心的。

至于说语言的不欢而散, 我想要有也是他们店里经理引起的, 如上所说的, 我发现鞋破了就拿去店里给店员看, 店里经理说这个破洞不是从缝线的地方破的, 是从皮的地方直接破掉的, 不能算质量问题,我强调表述说这鞋才22号买的, 才8天就发现鞋不知道什么时破了个洞, 我说这虽不是从缝线地方破的,但这明显是你们鞋的本身质地有问题, 我是正常穿戴的, 如果是那层皮够STRONG, 那么正常情况穿戴就不会破个洞, 谁知她却不温不火地说这个破洞就算你是1小时前买的, 那么我们也无法经你退换, 我让她公司的客服再寻问一下, 她不肯打, 然后还说公司高层看了也是这个结果, 我说不管怎样, 这鞋是在你们店里购买的, 不到8天就破了, 你有义务帮我联系沟通一下的吧, 后来她打了个电话给总公司, 大意是沟通说那鞋的破损处在哪个位置之后, 对方回答说不能退换, 然后她挂掉电话就说她没办理弄。

我也是因为在别的地方购物从来没出现这样的状况, 人家都不问理由就给退换, 而他们这家公司的态度明显就是不一样的, 总是问来问去, 还说就算一个小时之前买的也不能退, 这句话确实让我后来越想越生气的原因, 非要讨个说法, 凭什么买了这样贵的鞋却穿不了几次就要变废了?

至于我英文要不要润色, 我觉得对方能理解我说的话, 文里也没有哪句话说得不当, 只是在陈述我所碰到的事实,我是个新移民, 英文能讲成这样已经不错了, 我不会找人润色, 这只是在处理一件很小的事情, 我又不是要到他们公司应聘, 有必要把英文说得很漂亮吗, 只要能让对方理解我陈述的事实就够了

梅花馨 发表于 2011-11-16 11:10:00

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 悲剧了!在加拿大购物还让让感到放心吗? 看看我购买的UGG鞋穿了不到几次居然就