说来不yi 发表于 2003-4-28 12:41:50

西方人的幽默-make love?

前一阵为了准备我的 "Oracle DBA经验班" (点击见详情) 而配置一个'Linux+Oracle'环境时,在非常"严肃"的Linux文档中读到下面一段,让我感叹西方人的幽默感:

The last line of this text is the shell's prompt, indicating that it's ready to take commands. (More on what the prompt itself means later.) Let's try telling the system to do something interesting:

home/larry# make love
make: ***No way to make target 'love'. Stop .

Well, as it turns out, make is the name of an actual program on the system, and the shell executed this program when given the command. (Unfortunately, the system was being unfriendly.)

讲个笑话不难, 难是难在幽默的无处不在, 甚至在应当很严肃的科技文档中! 我觉得这与他们平时较乐观, 较注重生活而不是工作有关.

国内人的幽默感要数东北人较好一点 (我本人来自大陆南方. 虽在北方呆了十几年, 自认为幽默感很是一般). 你可以看到有意思的顺口溜很多出自东北. 很久前我有一次去东北哈尔滨出差(中行的一个Oracle项目), 看到一位朋友带着护腰,走路梗着脖子,挺痛苦的样子, 问他怎么会事, 回答"我被青春撞了一下腰". 我不是流行歌迷,不知道当时正流行着这么一首歌, 只是觉得他遣词造句随口就来, 挺有意思.

随便一写, 只是觉得生活真是应该放松一点!

CHEN YANLAI 发表于 2003-4-29 15:34:04


说来不yi 发表于 2003-5-5 09:54:27

Great News: 'make' upgraded!

Great News: 'make' upgraded!

Upon request from many Linux users,some Linux gurus have upgraded the Linux utility 'make' so that the next time when you enter 'make love' on the command line, it will know what to do , instead of giving unfriendly error message "make: ***No way to make target 'love'. Stop . ".   Pls check at http://www.linuxiso.org

If you find anything special there, pls post it here to share with everyone interested.   Also pls let us know if you are not able to find it, and I'm sure someone will help you. :P


说来不yi 发表于 2003-5-6 11:29:23


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