milosiul 发表于 2010-2-2 11:09:04



禁止右转的路口给逮住, 不但要罚18块, 还因vehicle permit 上忘了贴 sticker 而被扣上无有效证件驾驶的罪名 -- 我买 sticker 的时候只记得把 sticker 贴到车牌上而忘了把另一半贴到 vehicle permit 上; 现在那一半都不知扔哪去了. 无有效证件驾驶的罪可大了, 罚110块还要扣点数 (就是说要涨保险).


请问出庭时可以以车牌上已经贴了 sticker 来证明已经付了年检费吗?


为什么呢 发表于 2010-2-2 21:10:44

You can go the部门who sell the sticker with necessary documents, told them: you lose the sticker (some one may steal yours), and you want replace one and something else,   they can check record from their computer (they keep all record in the computer system), give you new one (may need 5$). So you证明已经付了年检费

milosiul 发表于 2010-2-3 10:43:03

Thanks for the advice!!
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