办法总比困难多 发表于 2009-6-2 13:57:24




哪吒 发表于 2009-6-2 20:55:54






办法总比困难多 发表于 2009-6-3 09:19:34

谢谢你的回复。但是我听说企业移民登陆后必须要想移民局报到的,我怕因为这个影响我的身份。 :confused:

哪吒 发表于 2009-6-3 11:32:33

谢谢你的回复。但是我听说企业移民登陆后必须要想移民局报到的,我怕因为这个影响我的身份。 :confused:

Please see the information below from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)

To remain in Canada as an entrepreneur, you must comply with the conditions of the Entrepreneur Program by owning and actively managing a Canadian business that contributes to the economy and creates jobs.

Entrepreneurs: Arriving—Meeting the conditions of the Entrepreneur Program

After you arrive in Canada, you must comply with the conditions of the Entrepreneur Program. If you do not comply, your permanent resident status in Canada could be revoked. The permanent resident status of your family members also depends on your compliance.

Within three years of becoming a permanent resident:

1. You must control at least one-third of the equity and actively manage a qualifying Canadian business for at least one year after becoming a permanent resident.

2. The business must have created the equivalent of at least one full-time job (1,950 hours of paid employment) for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (other than yourself and your dependants).

The business must not have been operated primarily for the purpose of deriving investment income (such as interest, dividends or capital gains).

You can find a definition of a “qualifying business,” and other terms that apply to the Entrepreneur Program in the Related Links section on the bottom of this page.

Quebec has its own business immigration program, and has set different conditions that entrepreneurs must meet. The conditions listed above do not apply to entrepreneurs selected by Quebec. If you want to settle in the province of Quebec, contact the nearest Quebec immigration office, or visit the Immigration Quebec website. You will find a link in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.

Reporting to CIC

You must report regularly to an officer at a Citizenship and Immigration Office. Contact the CIC Call Centre (see “Contact Us” at the top of this page) for the location of the CIC Centre nearest to you.

For information on citizenship and immigration programs and services, including the Permanent Resident Card program.

1 888 242‑2100 (in Canada only)

Within six months of becoming a permanent resident, you must notify CIC of your address and telephone number.

Within 18 to 24 months of becoming a permanent resident, you must provide evidence of your efforts to meet the conditions of the Entrepreneur Program.

Within three years of becoming a permanent resident, you must prove that you have met the conditions of the Entrepreneur Program.

Further information and all the necessary reporting forms are available in the Monitoring and Counselling Guides for the Entrepreneurship Program. You can find a link to the Guides in the Related Links section on the bottom of this page.


Entrepreneurs: Counselling and monitoring guides

These guides are for business persons who have been issued permanent resident visas and who come to Canada as entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs Immigrating to Canada under the 1976 Immigration Act:

You will want to look at the Entrepreneur Counselling and Monitoring Guide, 1976 Act if conditions 70, 72 or 73 are listed on your permanent resident document. You have two years to meet your conditions of permanent residence.



Entrepreneurs immigrating to Canada under the 2002 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act:

You will want to look at the Entrepreneur Counselling and Monitoring Guide, IRPA if conditions 74, 75 or 76 are listed on your permanent resident document. You have three years to meet your conditions of permanent residence.


办法总比困难多 发表于 2009-6-3 12:39:34


哪吒 发表于 2009-6-3 13:12:24




办法总比困难多 发表于 2009-6-4 11:49:07




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