yqaqa 发表于 2009-2-8 22:40:24

Free Excellent Pronounciation Class

Speaking and listening
Some one-on-one individual tutoring
Opportunities to practice oral presentation
Insights into the English sound system

From February 23 to April 27, every Monday from 2:45 to 4:45p.m.
St William ESL Centre (Toronto Catholic District School Board)
343 Jones Avenue
Take the 83 Jones bus from the Donlands subway station and get off at Boultbee Avenue, or come from Gerrard to Jones Avenue and walk north
Phone: 416-397-6070

Come early to room 204 or 214. Come soon!
Citizens, Refugee Claimants and Landed Immigrants are all welcome.
You must be age 18 or over, and you must present 2 pieces of identification, one for status in Canada and one for residence in Ontario. One of theses pieces must show photo ID. They must be original. NO PHOTOCOPIES.

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