zswang 发表于 2008-5-11 20:53:55




Sedona 发表于 2008-5-15 08:25:16

When you did your immigration application, you were required to report all family members, including those not intended to come to Canada.

In immigration term, this process is called examination.

You are not allowed to sponsor your family members/dependent children if they have not been examined.

The worst scenario is Citizenship Canada may challenge your original visa that you have covered up significant information that might have affected your original approval, and thus may apply to the Immigration and Refugee Board to void your visa.The situation is very similar to that of Gao Shan in Vancouver.

After said that, I have handled cases very similar to yours.You may have a chance if you have a legitimate reason, e.g. custody not settled.

Do not trust those immigration consultants.You have a difficult case.Find an experienced immigration lawyer to help you.

zswang 发表于 2008-5-16 18:54:49

Thank you!

I am so sad.I do not know how can I do,
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