退化人! 发表于 2002-9-25 19:14:12



退化人! 发表于 2002-9-26 19:57:01



人在多伦多 发表于 2002-9-29 16:20:44

Have you got the certificate from the government? That one is much more helpful than your driving experience in China. For the insurance quote, try Meloche Monnex. My friend bought a new car of 35K, premium is about 2600/yr. But they are not as cheap as they were. Or you can try http://www.kanetix.com/. I found one insurance company also under TD, like Meloche Monnex, the offer is pretty close to MM's. Hope you will find a cheap one. ;)

人在多伦多 发表于 2002-9-29 16:21:58

Forgot to tell you, my friend is a new new new driver. Never drived back in China.:O

退化人! 发表于 2002-9-29 16:42:52

Thanks a lot

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