GermanAsian 发表于 2008-3-6 04:32:49



1. 象我这样需要移民吗? 还是直接到加国找工作? (我到加国是免签的,但不知道找工作是否需要permit).
2. 有欧盟硕士文凭及七八年工作经验,在加国的中等工资水平是多少CAD左右? 本人现约75T CAD.
4. 本人英文还可以,平时交流没有问题,也旅游了很多国家.点但是如果要在一个国家工作,不知道要多久时间语言方面才能大概胜任工作?


Sedona 发表于 2008-3-6 15:54:46

1. Yes, you had better obtain your landed status first. Alternatively, if you have a job offer, you can apply for a work permit and thereafter your landed status a year later.The issue is it is not easy to find an employer to offer you a job because of the paperwork hassles.

2. Master's degree and work experience in what?That will make a difference.

3.中毒对我来说总是个谜?????Smugglers work in restaurants and supermarkets.I don't think Siemens for example will hire someone without any status.

4.不知道要多久时间语言方面才能大概胜任工作?It depends on an individual's talent in language and the job.If you are a chef, you don't need much English.If you are a psychologist, it will take you years to adjust to the language requirement.
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查看完整版本: 本人为欧盟某国华人,有移民加国打算