silenttrain 发表于 2007-12-23 23:42:47



我于2005年九月份递交了团聚移民申请---The Sponsored persons 包括我妈妈和当时21 岁的妹妹两人。 当时我弟弟已经24岁,不符合被申请要求了。当时我没有把父亲include 进去是因为自己(当时)收入还不够,而妹妹再过一年就过了申请年龄了。我是不是在这一点上做错了?但是我记得guideline 上面并没有说父母两人要同一时间申请阿。

拒绝信的理由是我当时的收入不能support五个人(注:我们家兄妹三加父母是五人)。 但是我申请表只是申请妈妈和妹妹。不申请的family members也要算吗?



Sedona 发表于 2007-12-24 12:50:47

There is no requirement that you must include both of your parents, who are legal husband and wife, in your sponsorship application.You can appeal if you want.

Your issue is credibility.CIC probably challenges if you are taking advantage of the system.You have an income to sponsor your mother and your sister who will become ineligible soon.Once your mother is in and because she is legally married to your father, she can sponsor your father, without any income requirement.

If appeal, you have to convince the CIC or IRB that your father for now has no intention of migrating to Canada.Reasons I have seen include illness, business, career, and other family commitment.

Strategy wise, I am not sure yours is a smart move.Your sister is 21.She will lose her dependent status because the sponsorship may take a few years, unless she continues her education.Should you re-think your strategy?

silenttrain 发表于 2007-12-24 14:27:54

Hi, Sedona,

You've really made good points.

I am drafting a letter to the immigration officer in the hope that they might change their minds.

Thank you so much for your sound and nice tips!!

Happy-man 发表于 2008-1-10 16:56:34

you need the fill all the family membesr in the application form whatever they do apply or not.
Otherwise they would refuse you with no reason.

My aunt used to get this painful experience.

silenttrain 发表于 2008-1-10 22:37:20

Happy Man

Thanks for your reply. It was really painful experience. It was a shocking reply.

I filled all the family members, but I did not know you have to count all your family members for minimum income purpose NO MATTER whether they are coming.

I have to resummit the package and wait for at least another 24 months for the sponsorship approval. So crucial... :rolleyes:

小心为上 发表于 2008-1-11 09:45:35

不客气的讲, 你其实自己很清楚移民条例的规定, 只是想钻个空子好先把妹妹办来, 然后通过配偶移民再办父亲, 可以避开收入的限制而已. 现在的结果无非是空子没钻成, 连老两口都搭了进去......

silenttrain 发表于 2008-1-11 11:49:35

I DID NOT know they will count your father automatically for minimum income purpose if you apply your mother.

My income is good enough to apply for all my family members one year ago but I just did not have time (maybe not realized the importance of updating it before they make a decision. I should have invested more time in it) to update the information for them. The pity is I have to wait for a much longer time.

I DO want to live with all my family members. I am a traditional Chinese daughter.

小心为上 发表于 2008-1-11 13:46:55

I DID NOT know they will count your father automatically for minimum income purpose if you apply your mother.

My income is good enough to apply for all my family members one year ago but I just did not have time (maybe not realized the importance of updating it before they make a decision. I should have invested more time in it) to update the information for them. The pity is I have to wait for a much longer time.

I DO want to live with all my family members. I am a traditional Chinese daughter.


你说你不知道"为什么移民局要把你父亲自动算进去", 但你一定知道配偶移民没有收入的限制, 这就是为什么你把你父母分开来却加上你妹妹的原因, 同时也是移民局自动把你父亲算进去的原因

silenttrain 发表于 2008-1-11 14:38:39

I came to understand the reasons behind that after I posted in a few website for help.
They did not say it in the guideline (e.g. You have to include your father for the income calculation purpose.). I filled the application according to the application guideline and I thought I knew everything. Anyway, they have the say.
Thanks for your reply. I know at least you did not mean to hurt.
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查看完整版本: 求助!!--关于父母移民申请的资格