wang3yi 发表于 2007-11-22 01:47:10

Downtown 的朋友可以试一下autoshare (car share)

Downtown 的朋友可以试一下autoshare (car share)

autoshare (, 在toronto大部分点都在大downtown区的繁华地带,24小时营业,按小时租车,$9.5/小时,半夜以后半价($4.5/小时),包括车钱,保险,parking,还有油钱,还有其他的会员价格,具体的价格:

租车很方便,加入会员以后,就从网上定车,自己取车, 而且可以开不同种类的车。

这样住在downtown的,平时上下班不需要开车,只是临时需要车的朋友不用买车了。其实,autoshare 最好的地方是给你上保险,给你build up 你的保险纪录,这样将来真正需要车买保险的话,autoshare会给你出insurance history paper,你就不是一个没有任何保险纪录的新手了,能够拿到比较低的保险价格

And, I build an Insurance Record?
Members are considered to have been continually covered by AutoShare’s policy for the purposes of getting personal auto insurance. We can provide you with a Letter of Insurance Coverage from our insurance company certifying your coverage history with AutoShare. This is an important consideration because when a car is given up for a period of time, and later there’s a need to acquire another, insurance coverage is often charged at a higher rate – as if one had never had car insurance.

当然长时间租车,还是普通的租车公司便宜,autoshare 胜在方便,省事,短期租比较便宜,最好的是有保险纪录。

同样的公司还有zipcar,, 美国的连锁公司,不用交membership 费,价格贵一点,10.5/小时,没有半夜半价,好像也不能提供保险信(网站上没写,有人说可以, 我问了没回)

两者的比较 ... share_vs_zipcar.pdf

autoshare 有30天money back guarantee,大家可以试一下, 如果不喜欢,30天之内都可以退出去。

What's the "30 Day Trial Period" Money-back Guarantee?
AutoShare's "30 Day Trial Period" means that you can give our service a try for 30 days. If you find that it doesn't work for you, you can get a full refund of Your Membership Fee and Deposit (although your Application fee is non-refundable, and any referral or other driving credits will be reversed, including any credits to another member as part of the referral).

如果你想加入,可以把我做推荐人,你可以拿到$25 credit, 当然我自己也会拿到,大家双赢, 我的名字叫 Yi Wang, 申请的时候在申请表(选"My Friend is a Member" 然后在promo code上添上我的名字。

My Friend referred me
If you have a friend who is an AutoShare member, you can get a $25 credit on your account - and your friend @ AutoShare will also get a $25 "thank you" credit. (Just remember to let us know on the application form by entering "My Friend is a Member" and their name into the Promo Code.)
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