x4er 发表于 2002-7-31 23:01:58

经典回顾——I Just Called to Say I Love You


x4er 发表于 2002-7-31 23:05:24

电话诉衷情(I Just Called to Say I Love You)

  《红衣女郎》(Woman In Red, The)这部喜剧片取材于法国作家德.吕克斯的剧本,由吉恩.怀尔德(Gene Wilder)自编自导自演。吉恩.怀尔德在片中饰演男主人公泰第.皮尔斯,他是一位文静腼腆、事业有成、有妻有女的中年男子,他厌倦了刻板枯燥的办公室生活,希望来一点小小的刺激。一次偶然的机会,他在停车场目睹漂亮的红衣女郎展现了一个梦露式的红裙招展姿势,登时意乱情迷。恰好这位叫查洛蒂的美女前往泰第的公司洽谈模特儿工作,泰第乃试图跟她约会,但与此同时仍要在家里保持好丈夫的形象.....结果弄出一连串令人忍俊不禁的笑话。本片将中年男人的七年之痒心理描写得相当生动有趣,吉恩.怀尔德的惹笑演出也见效果,而新人凯利.莱布罗克(Kelly LeBrock)美艳得教人眼前一亮。

  由著名黑人盲人歌手史蒂夫 · 旺德(Steve Wonder)为影片所配的主题曲“电话诉衷情---I Just Called to Say I Love You”,此歌一经推出便获得巨大成功,立即流行于欧美很多国家。为这首歌所拍的广告录象片是这样的:史蒂夫· 旺德手握红色电话筒,一往情深地向最心爱的人倾诉着衷曲。他看上去是那么真挚,那么陶醉,那么幸福,让人感觉到爱情的美好与伟大。这首歌曲在影片中只作为背景音乐出现,但它平稳而有起伏,清淡却又一往情深,比影片本身更富有生命力,获得了第57届奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖,登上了几乎所有欧美国家的流行歌曲排行榜冠军,成为旺德形象的新象征。“电话诉衷情”是一首情歌,然而结合这位盲人歌手的身世来看,歌曲中的“你”不妨视作是一切美好事物的象征——这是在欧美一些诗歌中最常见到的手法。如果我们同意这样理解的话,一定会赞同以下的一段评语:“生命注定他要在黑暗中度过一生,但是从他的歌声中,我们可以感受到他心中的一片光明。”


 I Just Called to Say I Love You

 No new year's day to celebrate,
 No chocolate covered candy hearts
 To give away, No first of spring,
 No song to sing, In fact it's just another ordinary day
 No April rain, No flowers bloom,
 No wedding Saturday Within the month of June,
 But what it is, is something true
 Made up of these three words
 That I must say to you.
 I just called to say how much I care;
 I just called to say I love you.
 And I mean it From the bottom of my heart
 No summer's high, No warm July,
 No harvest moon. To light one tender August night.
 No Autumn breeze. No falling leaves,
 Not even time for birds To fly to southern skies,
 No Libra sun, No halloween,
 No giving thanks To all the Christmas joy you bring,
 But what it is, though old so new,
 To fill your heart
 Like no tree words could ever do;
 I just called to say I love you.
 I just called to say how much I care;
 I just called to say I love you.
 And I mean it From the bottom of my heart,
 I just called to say I love you,
 I just called to say how much I care;
 I just called to say I love you,
 And I mean it From the bottom Of my heart.
 Oh, my heart. oh, my heart.

退化人! 发表于 2002-8-2 00:17:35


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