qnj77 发表于 2007-8-20 22:42:11


Gary Gomez, has been drumming for over 40 years, He has played in numerous Marching Percussion Ensembles and has taught in Sudbury, Sault Ste Marie, Toronto, Guelph,and lmost recently Trinidad and Tobago. He is currently the Drummer/Percussionist for the Victor Shim Surefire Band a 5 pieces Caribbean musical combo. This busy drummer is also , playing in the Toronto Police Pipe and Drums band as well as the Snare Technician/ Performer for the Cadre Competing and Performing Rudimantal Drumming Ensemble.

Gary has trained with some of the formost rudimental instructors and drummers in Canada and the US such asFred Johnson, Paul Mosely and Thomas Float from California.

Gary is pleased to welcome new students from beginners right on through to working drummers who want to enhance their playing and reading by learning rudimental drumming.

Please inquire within and start your rudimental voyage today.   
[email protected]

Gary, 有40余年鼓手经验。他曾多次参加各种不同的打击乐乐队演出。他还在Sunbury, Sault Ste Marie, Toronto, Guelph, Trinidad 和 Tobago教授过打爵士鼓基本课程。 他是Victor Shim Surefire 乐队的前任鼓手。同时也是多伦多警察乐队的鼓手。Gary还有丰富的教学经验。拥有独特的教学方法,使初学的学生很快掌握技巧。

Gary: 416-759-6543
Email: [email protected]
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