闻生 发表于 2007-5-23 20:28:58

错误经验分享 --- 父母探亲交费 -- Money Order

Today My mom's application was returned from Beijing, due to a "unacceptable" money order I bought from BMO here in Toronto.

The bank clerk let me choose a destination bank and said it did not matter which one I chose. But the Beijing embassy rejected this money order with the reason that the destination bank has to be a bank located in Canada.

I still dont get it ...

小心为上 发表于 2007-5-24 12:26:24

it's only about 400 chinese yuan, why don't let your parents pay at the embassy?

实话-实说 发表于 2007-6-1 13:18:57

回复:错误经验分享 --- 父母探亲交费 -- Money Order

错误经验分享 --- 父母探亲交费 -- Money Order

Today My mom's application was returned from Beijing, due to a "unacceptable" money order I bought from BMO here in Toronto.

The bank clerk let me choose a destination bank and said it did not matter which one I chose. But the Beijing embassy rejected this money order with the reason that the destination bank has to be a bank located in Canada.

I still dont get it ...

到中国办个 Money Order 学习班, 或许能闯出些名堂. 你也玩得太大了, 真是林子大了,什么鸟都有.
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