Mr.TOEFL 发表于 2002-7-13 11:59:24


Sentence Comprehension

1,Life’s transition from the sea to the land was as much of an evolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life.

2,What we today call America folk art was, indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “folks” who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portraits.

3,Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for non-adapted animals.

4,Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy, desert mammals allow their temperature to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant’s gazelles.

5,The technique of direct carving was a break with the nineteenth-century tradition in which the making of clay model was considered the creative act and the work was then turn over to studio assistants to be cast in plaster or bronze or carved in marble.

6,Some investigators have observed that when the birds set outagain next morning , those birds that did not feed well on the previous dayappear to follow those that did.

7,Drying, smoking, and salting could preserve meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat, like that of milk, was very limited; there was no way to prevent spoilage. But in 1810, a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-sealing process of canning.

8,The ability of falling cats to right themselves in midair and land on their feet has been a source of wonder for ages.

9,What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these condition seem foolish, harmful, or affected.

10,When a thing has been said so well that it could not be said better, why paraphrase it?

11, Hence my writing is , if not a cabinet of fossils, a kind of collection of flies in amber.

12,To earn a living in needful, but it can be done in routine ways.

13,Rain falls from clouds for the same reason anything falls to Earth.

14,People appear to be born to compute. The numerial skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth.

15,The object is to make the most of their land, labor being abundant; here it is to make the most of our labor, land being abundant.

16, Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.

17,In this matter, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity that it did before the ice appeared.

18,The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally growth and marketed food products are now being debated.

19,One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods.

20, What of the Southern leaders, all of whom were liable to charges of treason?
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