fondman 发表于 2006-9-25 00:06:05

感恩节三天去美国东部(NY, MA) 看海、爬山

安省既没有海也没有山,所以感恩节的长周末计划去波士顿看大海,顺便爬个小山头。谁有好的建议(纽约、华盛顿,加拿大不在考虑范围内),愿一同前往的请和我联系[email protected], Michael。现有4人,订了一个van,最多可以去7人,条件是30上下,单身,爱旅游,具有有效证件入美国境并能回加拿大,男女不限。多谢。


First day: 5:00am, sat, depart from toronto --- 14:00 arrive in boston, visit harvard U, MIT, (freedom trail: state house, city hall ...),boston harbor, etc. eat lobster for dinner at downtown. then,reach cape cod seashore before 9:00pm. accommodation TBD (cottage, b&b or motel)

Second day: sunrise, beaches and more activities around seashore, leave for adirondack mountains around 14:00, hopefully, 6 hours later, we can enter the mountain area. accommodation TBD (cottage, b&b or motel)

Third day: hiking, climbing in forest, mountain, return toronto before midnight.

Due to limited time, I didn't put outlet, museums in this plan.
Any idea is welcome.


king_wang 发表于 2006-9-28 20:33:18



fondman 发表于 2006-9-28 23:17:03


第一天(oct 7, sat): 早6点出发,kingston过关,直奔adirondack mountains, 由北向南穿越公园,途径山山水水,赏枫,拍照,取道 90 号公路,晚8点左右到达boston,饭餐后,downtown, harbor逛逛,夜宿市内(待定)

第二天: 上午游览freedom trail,MIT, harvard U.,然后进new hampshire的nashua的一个outlet shopping,3点左右驱车去cape cod bay,预计2个多小时后到,夜宿某个小town(待定)


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