罗大卫 发表于 2006-9-13 09:44:35


跟罗大卫David Robertson一起享受英语的乐趣!罗大卫David Robertson是一名经验丰富的ESL教师。他曾经连续13年当选依陶碧谷市议员。今年他将作为士嘉堡红河区,即第41选区的候选人竞选市议员。欢迎您写信给大卫! [email protected]
Learn English the fun and easy way with David Robertson.David is currently an ESL teacher with the Toronto School Board.He was an Etobicoke City Councilor for 13 years and is now running for Toronto Council in Scarborough-Rouge River, Ward 41. You can reach David at [email protected].

Idioms and expressions in business
1.to be in the black/red – to be making/losing money, to have money/to have a debt.Although his company is in the black (making money), he is personally in the red because of his gambling addiction.

2.to be in the hole – to be in debt.   She’s $10,000 in the hole now after using her credit cards to shop in New York.

3.to make hay (while the sun shines) – to make money (when times are good.)You need dry, sunny weather to bundle hay.When a company makes a lot of money because they hold a patent, they act as a monopoly.Then we say they make hay while the sun shines.

4.a mark – refers to someone who is an easy target for a scam artist.That man was so gullible that he was an easy mark.

5.penny wise, pound foolish – to watch your pennies (penny-pinch) but waste larger amounts.He didn’t want to spend $5.00 to repair a small leak in his roof and now has to spend $1000.00 to replace the rotted beams.

参m 发表于 2006-9-13 22:01:34

i got most of them. thanks

肖申克 发表于 2006-9-14 13:43:15

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