小猪猪 发表于 2002-5-27 20:37:43


有时压力对我们是有帮助的,比如激励我们不断向前向更好发展;然而压力也往往使我们觉得不安,烦躁,它甚至成为现代生活中不可逃避的一部分。好,现在就测一测,你是否UNDER STRESS:

1. Do you feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do? Yes or No
2. Does your mind sometimes race - and you can't seem to control it? Yes or No
3. Do you feel irritable or upset? Yes or No
4. Are your shoulders hunched, or your back or neck tense or painful? Yes or No
5. Does your stomach feel like it's in a knot or do you have heartburn? Yes or No
6. Using the following stress scale, rate the amount of stress you are feeling right now:
a. Absolutely no stress
b. Maybe a little stress
c. Moderately stressed
d. Very stressed
e. Extremely stressed
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