林黛 发表于 2006-7-18 20:37:50


国内的医生,欲向前辈求考加拿大医生执照的经验和建议.或寻同路人一起复习备考.请email 我
[email protected]

Live2Tell 发表于 2006-9-1 11:29:17

It's definitely not easy.

First, you need to get your undergraduate degree recognized here or get a bachelor degree here, or take all the pre-requsite courses required for the medical school you want to apply. Usually, you need an average of 85% or above.

Second, you need to write the MCAT, which has not only the biological and physical sciences, but also reading and writing components, all in English.

Third, you apply to individual schools. In Ontario, it's all or none. Once you apply, you will need to apply to all 6. Then each school may require individual reference letters and additional application form.

Fourth, you wait for an offer of an interview. During the interview, they not only ask you why you choose to apply to medical school, but ask you about current hot topics in medical field or even politics.

Fifth, you wait for offer of acceptance. But even if you get an interview, you may not even get any offer.

It's generall graded as the follows:
33% Academics (undergraduate average)
33% application (personal development, volunteering)
33% interview (how well you can communicate, in depth discussion of current issues. Your English must be superb here.)

Good Luck. But even most student who finish university here will usually need to apply twice to finally get accepted.

ceng 发表于 2006-9-1 17:37:37

我是同道人,但目前还不敢忘想再去拼搏考牌,因为生活我可能要放弃我曾干了10余年的医生生涯,如果你成功,别忘了告诉我,我的eamil [email protected].
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