罗大卫 发表于 2006-7-13 20:39:35


跟罗大卫David Robertson 一起享受英语的乐趣!罗大卫David Robertson 是一名经验丰富的ESL教师。他曾经连续13年当选依陶碧谷市议员。今年他将作为士嘉堡红河区Scarborough-Rouge River,即第41选区的候选人竞选市议员。欢迎您成为我们的义工或者提供各种信息和建议,您可以致电416-291-5404 ,或发邮件[email protected]


1.to set (or put) someone straight – to correct someone’s mistake, make sure they know the facts.   The student thought that there were only 2 territories in Canada but the teacher set him straight. (in fact, there are 3)

2.straight up – undiluted, unmixed (esp. used for alcohol).He drinks whiskey straight up (no water, cola etc.)

3.a straight arrow – a person who lives an honest, sober life.That guy would never think of cheating a customer.He’s such a straight arrow.

4.a straight face – showing no hint of a smile or laugh, esp, when telling a joke.You can never tell when he’s pulling your leg.He can tell a funny story or joke with a straight face.She couldn’t keep a straight face.

5.a straight shooter – someone who states bluntly what they think.You always know where you stand with her.She’s such a straight shooter.
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