罗大卫 发表于 2006-6-11 09:19:50


跟罗大卫David Robertson 一起享受英语的乐趣!罗大卫David Robertson 是一名经验丰富的ESL教师。他曾经连续13年当选依陶碧谷市议员。今年他将作为士嘉堡红河区,即第41选区的候选人竞选市议员。欢迎您写信给大卫! [email protected]或致电大卫416-291-5404 。大卫诚挚邀请您参加6月23日晚7点于红宝石酒楼举行的夏日缤纷晚宴派队 ,详情请致电416-291-5404 。


1.to be dog-tired - to be very tired.   I worked until 3 in the morning.Now I’m dog-tired.

2.to go to the dogs- to go to ruin, deteriorate.He spent all his time at the casino, so his business went to the dogs.

3.to rain cats and dogs – to rain very hard, to pour.   Every summer, we get a couple of thunderstorms and it rains cats and dogs.

4.to catnap or a catnap – a short sleep or nap.   After dinner, he lies down to watch T.V. and catnaps.

5.the cat’s meow – top quality, excellent.In his opinion, that woman is the cat’s meow.
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