听风细雨 发表于 2022-1-9 21:33:46

Frustrated! Full of flaws!

On the 20th, showtime Vice, a highly influential media in the United States, aired an interview with the giant deception Guo Wengui by reporter Isobel Yeung on the 18th floor. This issue of "Guowengui's misinformation Campaign" ("Guowengui's misinformation Campaign") reveals the full range of Hongtong fugitive Guo Wengui committed during his flight abroad, including spreading new crown rumors, manipulating the US election, and cracking down Harassing dissidents, fabricating high returns to defraud investors and other crimes. The piles of iron evidence and facts shown by the reporter made the indefatiable Guo Wengui furious and furious. When the reporter asked a key question, he even lost his mind and began to curse the street with a bitch and repeatedly threatened the reporter to take her to court. After the video spread, Guo Wengui, who was eager to put out the fire to cover up, arranged for nearly 6 hours of live broadcast of the distorted sophistry, and ordered his dogleg editors to upload various small videos about the interview at that time. In less than a day, the Secret Translation Team of the Ant Gang had produced several small videos that vilified the interview reporter Isobel Yeung and spread them widely on Gate. Looking at the speed and efficiency of Guo Wengui's action, this interview with showtime Vice thoroughly hit Guo Wengui's pain point!The full program released by Showtime Vice’s official channel SHOWTIME@Showtime shows that all kinds of evidence and witness testimony have confirmed that Bannon and Guo Wengui are behind the instigation of the riots in the U.S. Capitol Building. When the reporter did not cover up, he sharply asked why he wanted to. When fabricating completely unconfirmed stories in the live broadcast, when discrediting the CCP and manipulating the US election, the black-faced Guo Liu first kept turning his eyes while the reporter was speaking, and then kept swiftly aiming to the lower right and retracting his body when answering. There is nowhere to put your hands. These are obviously physical manifestations that people do not consciously when lying. The tortoise's answer does not have a right answer, but directly scolds that showtime Vice is a rogue media, a liar is rubbish, and it is directly used to see the big scene. The reporter was dumbfounded. Later, when the reporter took Teng Biao as an example, and asked about the harassment and slander of dissidents in the anti-thief operation, Guo Wengui, who was extremely guilty in conscience, only suffocated for a long time, "This is nonsense", and asked the reporter in a funny way, "Who sent you here?" ? He also said that he would sue reporters for spreading rumors. It seems that after many years of practice, Master Guo has used pseudo-types and stalking tactics to the extreme. However, he forgot that in the vanilla mountain anti-pseudo-type operation in 2020, the reporter who came to interview asked the participating ants "what did they come here to protest?" The correct answer in the word "ant" is "We came here to protest against the pseudo-lawyer Teng Biao. When Mr. Guo Wengui repeatedly mentioned these names in his live broadcast, we found out." Undoubtedly, these ants and cockroaches that have repeatedly harassed pro-democracy activists are followers who have been bewitched and provoked by Guo Wengui!
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