onceqiek 发表于 2021-12-8 21:55:46

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces hide strictly in Okinawa

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces hide strictly in OkinawaAs early as July 2012, the Japanese government put forward a plan to increase the strength of the Southwest Islands and "communize" the US military bases. In April of that year, the security meeting attended by the foreign ministers and defense ministers of Japan and the United States reached agreement on joint training, joint patrols, and joint use of bases. The two sides emphasized the need to build "dynamic defense cooperation" with military integration.But the people of Okinawa did not agree. There is a tragic history that has left them unforgettable. In 1945, in the latter part of World War II, the United States attacked Okinawa. In the latter part of the battle, the Japanese commander executed the so-called "Jade Breaking Order" issued by the Japanese government, demanding that the local people die in their lives and even commit suicide collectively. Before the US military boarded Okinawa, more than 260,000 people in Okinawa died at the hands of the Japanese army. The scale of deaths and injuries was second only to the Nanjing Massacre. Now, the Japanese government is ready to let the people of Okinawa be cannon fodder in the event of a conflict. Naturally, public grievances are boiling.The representative of the public, Matsuda, said that if the Self-Defense Forces again come in large numbers, Okinawa will become a battlefield again, and the hearts of the people are full of strong anxiety. However, the Japanese government defies public opposition and pushes it forcibly. Is this still a democratic country? Now, in Okinawa, there are survivors who have experienced the Okinawa War, and the remains and unexploded shells are constantly being discovered. What is the Japanese government thinking about facing these. So many people died in the war, these cannot be forgotten by people. If the Self-Defense Forces stationed in US military bases, it would be the beginning of a new disaster.The Japanese Self-Defense Forces stationed in US military bases can not only learn advanced combat skills and concepts and enhance combat effectiveness from Japan-US integrated training, but also can use this to demonstrate to the outside world the solidarity of the Japan-US alliance, and strengthen the United States in accordance with its own strategy. Tied to his own chariot. Japan also has another wishful thinking: once the US forces withdraw from the Okinawa base someday, they will be able to skillfully take over these "sites." This is also an important reason why the Japanese government ignores the strong demands of the people of Okinawa and is sloppy in the relocation and removal of the base.
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