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雅思 IELTS 实用 口语 考场应急表达 (一)

发表于 2018-12-22 17:32:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 SummerLin 于 2018-12-25 13:46 编辑

hello, 小伙伴们,终于寒假了,我稍稍腾出点空闲。

有学生私信我,希望我能写点 口语和写作应急的模板句型等。谢谢信任,很高兴能帮到别人。




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雅思口语应急表达 1

Question 1: 没听清 没听懂口语考官的问题时,怎么办?

Solution:  你可以 ask for explanation / repeat / help 向考官要求 解释/ 重复帮你明确 你需要回答的问题topic

1.  I beg your pardon. Could you explain it in another way please?
2.  I’m sorry, I didn’t quite follow you. Could you repeat that please?
3.  I didn’t catch your last question.  Did you mean...?
4.  I’m not sure what you meant by...?
5.  Sorry, I didn’t quite get you. Could you say it again please?


Question 2: 当对某问题 完全没想过头脑空白无话可说时怎么办?

Solution:  buying yourself some time by the following:


1. Well, this question is very tricky(令人困惑的). I have never given it a serious thought. But if you think it
from a different perspective(立场,观点),  you will get different answers.

2. Honestly, I don’t know much about this. But from my personal experience, I would say,  ....

3. Well, not sure where I should start... Actually, I have not given enough thought about it.  But I feel that it really depends on the situation. I mean, ...

4. That is a tough question. The public has considerable debate (大量争论) over this.  Basically,
my own opinion is that...


Question 3: 讲口语时,总忍不住铺垫和来回绕如何直接切题
Solution:   Keep to the point,stick to the topic围绕topic,直奔主题。

1. There are a variety of ..., But the one I particularly want to talk about today is ... (由面到点,直接扣题)
2. To get to the main point, I ...
3. When you mentioned ..., the one that first jump into my mind is...
4. To make a long story short (长话短说), I would say...
5. So, to turn to my original point (回到刚才我的论点), ......
6. All in all (总而言之), it...


Question 4有哪些短语或句型可以让我自然、流畅引出观点呢?
Solution: you can use discourse markers / sentence fillers to connect your sentences when expressing your opinion.

口语可以边说边想,偶尔有少许停顿。 所以,表达你的观点时,可以使用交流标记语 / 填充词来连接句子。
但是,要注意,有些filler words 太口语化,不要使用于写作文体。

比如, well,  something like,  I mean, you know,  I guess/ I suppose,  actually/ totally/ basically,  Hmm / er / um,  right,  Okay.so , you know what I mean?  这些只能口语用。
1. As far as I am concerned, ...
2. Generally speaking, ...
3. It seems to me that...
4. Let’s put it/ this another way...

5. Well, I would say...
6. To be honest /  to be frank,  I ...
7. The way I look it ...
8. Well, it varies(看情况).  If..., I would...  But if ..., I would probably... (后面用 if 引导的 虚拟语气

9. It seems to me that...
10. What I mean is that...(解释)
11. The thing is...(强调)
12. I am going to give a piece of my mind about it. (那我直言不讳了,强调, 一般用来表达不同意 或不满。)


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