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发表于 2017-10-10 14:32:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2018-6-15 18:10 编辑

A widely circulating message from an employee of a bank shows that a refugee family of 10 people (4 adults plus 6 children) get $8, 000 income per month, AFTER TAX, without doing anything! Their income after tax will be about $96,000! 据TD银行人员透露,一个10人难民家庭(4个大人,6个小孩)每月可领到税后补助八千,一年到手的税后收入有9万6.
FYI, if your annual salary is $200,000, which is almost impossible for a non-Quebecois in Quebec, the amount you took home for 2016 was about $111,925!
Not to mention those who can not get a decent job merely because of their high standard of integrity! 据统计,一个在魁北克20万年薪的工作者,2016年拿到手的钱大概是11万多一点。至于太过正直的人没有市场,足见这个社会的黑暗!


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