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发表于 2017-10-7 08:22:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 唐炜臻 于 2017-10-7 09:39 编辑


很多人以为自己知道 人们害怕 打官司的原因。 因为律师坏, 费用高,时间长,赢不了。

加拿大的司法其实就是一个巨大的骗局,人人让当受骗所以害怕。 为什么这么说呢?

加拿大政府和当官的不是真正的政府,是一些挂羊头卖狗肉的私有企业,以盈利为目的,加拿大的非盈利组织和机构比盈利的组织和机构更有利可图, 当官的不是父母官是骗子,法庭不是讲道理的地方,是剥皮抽筋的地方。

加拿大的法律都是假的,是他们企业的规章制度和敛财的方式手段。 加拿大政府敛财有三种方式, 第一是当事人,受害者,第二是纳税人,第三是人们大众 通过银行印发钞票和证券。

所以,  正常情况下打官司是一条不归路,是人们害怕的原因, 就像进赌场一样,靠律师和法官讲道理就像跟赌场老板要钱,把输的钱要回来一样。 打官司跟进赌场不一样的是被动和主动的问题。 打官司特别是刑事是被迫的。



西方政府其实就是一个诈骗集团和机构,罪恶之源,专门欺骗无知少女。 无知识 的广大民众 ,少数民族和小孩妇女 。


 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-8 09:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
Once the people talk about law and litigation they are scared, I found the real reason and opportunity.

Many people think they know the reason why people are afraid to fight a lawsuit. Because the lawyers are bad people, charge too much, take too long time, achieve nothing for them.

The administration of justice in Canada is actually a huge scam so that everyone is so deceived so they are afraid. Why do I say that?

The Canadian government and the official are not the real government, those are some private enterprises that use the goat head to sell dog meat for their own profit and interest like many Canadian nonprofit organizations and institutions are more profitable than a profitable organizations and institutions. It Is a liar, the court is fake or Pseudo court, look like a court , not a place for average people to argue their case, but to lose money and everything, is the place to destroy and stop argue by a corporate rules and regulations like law and a place where skinning cramps.

Canadian law is false in most of the cases, is only their corporate rules and regulations and means of money-making means and slave and suppress people. The Canadian government has three ways to make money by deceit and falsehood

The first is from all the parties, all the victims of litigation, the second is from the taxpayers, and the third is from the public through the bank to issue banknotes and securities. they are to make people poor and suffer.

So under normal circumstances there is a no hope and good return to the lawsuits for average people, people go there to lose money and assets, their time and freedoms that is the reason why people are afraid just like going into the casino, arguing with lawyers and judges just like reasoning with the casino boss for the lost money, no money to return. The difference between the lawsuit and gambling is not that the casino is passive and voluntary, criminal lawsuit or any law suite is active and forced.

So, overseas Chinese people should be afraid of the Western government and justice system fraud.

Some people say that killing a man is a murder crime, killing thousands of people are heroes, killing millions is the government and leaders.

Western government is actually a fraud group and institutions, the source of evil, specifically to deceive ignorant girls. No knowledge, ethnic and child women.

Eastern society and the government is easy to let the Western government take their advantage because the Western government looks good and All think the Western are advanced and modernized. The western court fool one after another people, innocent people, people unable to resist.

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