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发表于 2016-9-26 15:03:47 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Taiwan is Snubbed by ICAO? Well, Tell the Truth First about the Air Crash of the TransAsia Airways Flight 235!
As per Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TransAsia_Airways_Flight_235), the TransAsia Airways Flight 235 crashed into the Keelung River in Taiwan on February 4, 2015 with 5 crew on board and 53 passengers of which the majority were from the mainland of China, only 15 survived.
Although the English version of Wikipedia revealed the fact, quote, “the other, working engine was then shut down mistakenly”, the Chinese version did not use any word close to “mistake”.  The English version also mentioned the fact that beside the pilot, co-pilot, there was an observer in the cockpit which is unusual. Also, it pointed out that, quote “the pilot in command had failed simulator training in May 2014, partly because of his insufficient knowledge about the procedure for handling an engine flame out on take-off”. As such, a reasonable doubt will be that the Airline Company knowingly put the Flight 235 as a test for the pilot with the observer in the cockpit but did not tell the passengers the huge risk. Both the English version and the Chinese version “overlooked” the fact that it was only five months later, in July, the following fact was released to the public: the pilot actually realized his mistake before the crash (http://news.qq.com/a/20150702/030208.htm). Five months, long enough for the Company to settle the compensation issues in favour of the Company and keep the victims and their families blind to the truth!
As a political consequence of the well-covered killing with impunity, in 2016, a Taoyuan bus driver purposefully caused bus crash and killed all of the passengers on board from mainland! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Taoyuan_bus_crash)
20152月, 台湾复兴航空公司载有大陆观光客的飞机坠入基隆河,有网友根据种种迹象判断是机师人为操作失误,而且,航空公司涉嫌隐瞒考核飞行的事实:将考核飞行与商务飞行合二为一,绑架不知情的乘客花钱搭乘死亡之旅。证据包括: 媒体曝光正机师学生时代成绩不佳,驾驶舱除正副机师外还有一名教官,部分曝光的录音显示机师执行完关闭故障引擎(保留正常工作引擎)后飞机无动力坠毁等等。由于当时的后续理赔工作还在进行中,该网友在新浪微博做了上述发言后微博账号就被关闭,至今仍然不能解冻。20157月,空难理赔工作早就结束、家属恐怕早就在不知情的情况下签完对航空公司有利的理赔切结书后,黑匣子录音才完全曝光,证实正机师自己承认关错发动机!20168月,随着赵资本与新浪微博大面积封杀网友行径曝光,新浪微博背后的台湾资本势力曝光,当初因复兴航空空难事件而对这位网友的封杀原因也不言自明!
从这件事情的欲盖弥彰到今年桃园发生的巴士司机蓄意烧死大陆乘客事件、蔡英文只出面祭奠台湾导游的政治操弄,两岸民众关系的恶化难道不是奸商的噬血贪婪、以及政客的包庇纵容的直接恶果么? -律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese) 《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺!a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!

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