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[求助]急问Metro East考场路线--G

发表于 2006-1-9 20:39:13 | 显示全部楼层


Test route:
1. Lawrence East test centre->Lawrence Av westbound->DVP northbound->401 eastbound->Warden Av southbound->Ellesmere Rd westbound->harmacy Av southbound->right turn at Dewey Dr->Ivorwood Cr (road side stop, parellel parking, 3-point turning)->rinceway southbound->Lynvalley Cr->Victoria Park Av southbound->Right turn just before the intersection of Victoria Park Av&Lawrence Av E, entre the Victoria Terrace->right turn and entre the parking lot the test centre from rear entrance, then head in parking.

2.出考场右转上lawrence east, 左,右换线各一次。向西至dvp前的一个路口,右转,再左转或右转进小区,做emergency parking, u-turn, paralell parking. 之后回到刚才的路上,右转上lawrence east, 进dvp north, 左,右换线各一次。从yorkmills 出去,马上左转,经yorkmills east westbound, 左传上dvp south。这实际是个大掉头。在lawrence east 下dvp, 回考场。

3.turn right when go out of examine center. At second intersection turn right to make three point turn, parral parking and emergency stop. then turn right to go back to Larrence, and turn right to DVP north. mostly you will go off DVP at york mills and go to DVP again, Go off DVP at Larence Eastbond. go back to examine centre.

4.前面都差不多,只是上 DVP 向南,第一个路口出(不到Eglinton),到路口左转,马上回DVP向北,出lawrence east回考场。(我当时考得就是这条路线,就是上DVP时间非常短)
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