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发表于 2017-9-6 14:12:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

你可能从来没有想到,从来没有听说过,更没有见过, 一个中国新移民,一个犯人在加拿大跟几个,几十个法官作斗争. 这个犯人还没有律师,跟近百个律师和法官斗争了8年,坚持不懈,要名誉,要公平,要正义. 法官也没有办法只能赖皮.
加拿大的法官都是草包,流氓,骗子,最大的罪犯, 都是为律师和律师社会的会员找工作,发工资,收钱的, 没有头脑,没有正义和公平,所以,经不起斗,经不起锤敲. 被一个犯人搞得头昏脑涨.
自从证券会打击,镇压华人金融企业家以来,唐炜臻不卑不亢,坚持抗争 8年,积累了丰富的经验和大量的证据,使得法官不顾一切维持面子和尊严,互相包庇,拆东墙补西墙,掩盖罪行.
唐炜臻和太太越战越勇,从开始的胆战心惊,一出庭就害怕,胃痛,尿急,到拿起笔杆子自己写状子,起诉证券会律师,调查员,警察,警察局长,到法官. 有人说法官不能告,唐炜臻到法庭告了十几个法官,告法官是骗子,流氓和犯人.
目前唐炜臻针对的是一个律师事务所叫 Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP.还有很多个律师事务所以后慢慢收拾,这个律师行非常恶毒,伤害过无数的平民,没收别人的财产,他们通过法官,法官通过他们敛财,没有人跟他们斗争,没有管他们,也没有人注意。很多法官是从这个律师事务所或者这样的事务所出来,退休以后,回去的,这个律师要法官干什么,法官就干什么,不折不扣。法官的判决书,指令都是律师事务所给的,就像他们的支票,法官签名,就把我们的钱给律师行了,根本不听,也不讲道理。
有人问: 法官犯什么罪?
第一,盗窃罪,把我和我投资人的钱给他们自己人,诬蔑我是欺诈,然后任命投资人律师代表就把我们的钱转入他们的腰包,所谓投资人代表和律师,根本不知道投资人是谁, 投资多少钱,联系方式,没有投资人的同意和签名受权书就把钱拿走路,还要从投资人手上追钱, 他们不对任何人负责和交待,只要准备一个账单和支票,法官就签字,一分不少.
第三, 一个重大刑事案,不给辩护律师,不请金融专家作证,强奸罪
第四, 利用证券会的调查员,会计师,有偏见和利益冲突的人冒充专家作证
第五, 一个案子没有犯罪动机,没有任何犯罪所得,犯罪证据,纯粹靠一面之词,诬蔑和造谣定罪
第六. 律师的利益冲突,法官只听律师的,不听老百姓的,不讲道理造成严重后果和伤害
唐炜臻一案尽管金额小,案子大,麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全,警察指控bell的北方电信欺诈1300万,最后无罪释放,投资人损失律师费7 到10 的亿,纳税人也遭受相当大的损失. 唐炜臻翻案意义非凡,会引起司法界的震撼地震.

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-23 19:37:13 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2017-9-28 10:39:13 | 显示全部楼层
唐炜臻 发表于 2017-9-23 19:37
孔子当年跑遍列国,贩卖他的思想,结果处处碰壁。后来洗心革面,决心向民众开放他的思想。有很多人都跑来, ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-1 17:14:18 | 显示全部楼层
"The Federal and State Governments are not real. They are privately owned corporations [listed on Dun and Bradstreet] called governments . . . and the law is nothing more than their corporate regulations called statutes."

According to Judge Dale and many others, BAR attorneys have been indoctrinated into believing that we have a lawful system of justice, which we do not. Their job today is to prevent the American people from understanding our reality and to keep us all locked into the legal system BAR attorneys created and were trained to implement. Our current 'legal system' is a fraud that works to their benefit and to our detriment. This truth was confirmed by Karen Hudes, former World Bank Attorney, during an interview. See: Former World Bank Attorney exposes the bankers and the BAR on AntiCorruptionSociety.com. Ms Hudes correctly stated that:

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-1 17:14:46 | 显示全部楼层
"I don't want to believe that all of these lawyers and the American Bar Association are pulling a fast one on everybody like this, but I have no choice - that's the way it is. If that's the way it is, I'd rather admit that's the way it is than sit there being a dupe."
". . . the ABA [American Bar Association] has lost all total credibility and they should apologize to the American people for what it is they have been doing. And they should disband."  

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发表于 2017-10-1 23:04:09 | 显示全部楼层
According to Judge Dale and many others, BAR attorneys have been indoctrinated into believing that we have a lawful system of justice, which we do not. Their job today is to prevent the American people from understanding our reality and to keep us all locked into the legal system BAR attorneys created and were trained to implement. Our current 'legal system' is a fraud that works to

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-3 21:03:43 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-5 06:31:27 | 显示全部楼层
the state legislature (which was under the control of lawyers) pass an unconstitutional law that only members of this powerful union of lawyers, called the  BAR Association, could practice law and hold all the key positions in the making and enforcing of laws.1 The Canadian   people never authorized this group to recreate our legal system or to take over our courthouses. This foreign organization has invaded our country and our court rooms and is wholly responsible for replacing Constitutional law with the Uniform Commercial Code.2
Both our government and our courts are playing Chess, while telling the people the game is Checkers.  If We The People wish to restore our unalienable birth rights, we need to learn to play Chess. This guide has been compiled to help the  people learn ways to deny consent to their own fleecing and/or enslavement.   

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-5 06:32:46 | 显示全部楼层
Judge Anna Riezinger talks about the Evil (Unlawful Legal scam) pushed by the LEGAL FRAUD BAR Association Secret Society, the gatekeepers, hiding crimes (via legalese) for the Bankster controlled Corporate Governments that infest the world TODAY.

And how to remove the BANKSTER Controlled FRAUD CRIMINAL LEGALESE PARASITES. (Lawyers, Attorneys, fake Judges all legalese BAR members).

GUILTY OF PERSONAGE: the crime of knowingly misrepresenting a living man or woman as a legal fiction - some form of corporation, such as a trust, public utility, or foundation.

GUILTY OF BARRATRY: Named after the BAR Association for good reason. The crime of knowingly bringing false claims & charges based on PERSONAGE in order to use foreign statutory law against living people. http://www.annavonreitz.com http://anticorruptionsociety.com/lawf... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_ywX... Also Anna's book here. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listin...

GUILTY OF PRESS-GANGING: Impressment, colloquially, "the press" or the "press gang", refers to the act of taking men into a navy by force and with or without notice. Navies of several nations used forced recruitment by various means.

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发表于 2017-10-5 21:07:45 | 显示全部楼层
唐炜臻 发表于 2017-10-3 21:03
今天很累,也很高兴,没想到我今天能够顺利完成上诉法庭的任务,材料提交成功,法庭柜台工作人员说我可以回 ...

老唐你完全可以现金付全款。 你就是怕露富, 小气啊

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