• 实时天气:多伦多
  • 实时天气:温哥华
  • 实时天气:卡加利
    温度感觉: -4°
  • 实时天气:蒙特利尔
  • 实时天气:温尼伯
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发表于 2007-7-26 10:39:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中新网温哥华7月25日电(记者 吕振亚)“2004年,在我面对枫叶国旗宣誓的那天,我就已经知道,我的后半生将要在这里度过,我的全部知识都将贡献给脚下的这块土地。”在加拿大筹组政党的华裔移民陈卫平今天面对记者表达心声。





  刚于上周加入民族联盟党并将出任党副主席的印裔党员harpreet purba介绍说,印度人和华人同为加拿大移民,面临的问题是相似的。民族联盟党的成立对大家而言是一件好事。目前也有其它的印度人加入民族联盟党,但是人数还不是很多,他将具体负责民族联盟党印度社区的发展。

发表于 2007-7-27 08:28:22 | 显示全部楼层
In 义乌, we see so many faked brands everywhere. The local business copies Disney, Louis Vuitton and etc.

Unfortunately, we have seen 义乌 in Canadian politics.

Below is the membership application of the Conservative Party of Canada:

Conditions of Membership:
To become a member of the Conservative Party of Canada you must:
• Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
• Actively support the founding principles of the Conservative Party of Canada
• Be at least 14 years of age

The application to join the Liberal Party says:

Joining is easy! If you’re a Canadian resident, 14 years or older, and do not belong to another federal political party, simply fill out the required information on the screen and continue through the online forms.

Here is the membership application of the Nation Alliance Party:

I certify that I meet these Conditions of Member
a. I am a Canadian Citizen or Permanent resident of Canada
b. I actively support for the founding principles of the NAP
c. I am at least 18 years of age

Let alone the grammatical mistakes, NAP is not capable of creating their own membership application form.

Apparently, NAP copies from PC - a tradition from 义乌.

If NAP cannot create an application form without copying, how can we trust them to develop policies for the country and to lead us across the Red Sea.

I have sent an email to both NAP and PC.
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