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发表于 2016-11-17 11:27:44 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2016-11-17 11:29 编辑

据《加拿大家园》网网友 杨迪发帖,新闻报道过的温哥华失踪年轻妈妈被证实已经往生了!

Missing New Westminster mom Florence Leung found dead
Mike Raptis (Vancouver Sun)

Published: November 16, 2016

Updated: November 17, 2016 2:01 AM

Filed Under:

The Province > News > Local News

florenceleungPhoto by

A missing 32-year-old mother from New Westminster has been found deceased, according to a post on a Facebook page set up to help find her.

On the ‘Find Missing Mother Florence Leung’ Facebook page, a statement released Wednesday night reads:

It is with great sadness to tell everyone that Florence Leung has been found. Police notified husband Kim Chen and family earlier today of the discovery. We ask that everyone at the moment respect the family’s privacy and we will release more details as they become available. We thank you all for your prayers, love and support at this very difficult time. #PrayForFlo

Florence was last seen on the morning of Tuesday, October 25th when she left her New West home. A surveillance video discovered a few days later showed Florence buy several items from a convenience store in Vancouver’s West End.

Her vehicle was discovered in Stanley Park the day after she went missing, but North Shore Rescue later suspended its search after thoroughly combing through the surrounding areas, including parts of West Vancouver.

Leung, the mother of a two-month-old boy, was thought to have been suffering from post-partum depression.

Her husband Kim Chen had said he and Florence were very happy as they awaited the birth of their first child.

“We were married for two years. We always wanted to have children and build a family. And everything was perfect, everything was bliss,” he said.

Police have yet to confirm her death.



North Shore Rescue later suspended its search......why? 不会是被那位丈夫说“太太很有可能是离家出走,并在网上对妻子“虚拟”喊话”那一出给蒙蔽了吧?


Chinese Lives in Canada Matter As Well!English version will come later……
既然魁北克的独立问题和加拿大原住民的人权问题都是加拿大言论自由的禁区,那么谈谈作为少数族裔群体之一的华人那些悬而不决的离奇命案吧!Chinese Lives Matter As Well!
2013年3 月18日,蒙特利尔山东青年崔晓明在幡然醒悟其私人存款有欺诈嫌疑后3天,“暴病”猝逝,虽然有网友不懈追踪爆料其背后可能的犯罪黑幕,相关部门以及警方都无动于衷;
2016年2月19日,蒙特利尔华人白领陈慧在失踪数天后由同居男友报失踪, “闺蜜”一边在媒体“缅怀”她,一边高额悬赏寻下落。警方按照上述知情者提供的“线索”在其居所附近查找,无果;三个月后,陈慧尸体被发现在只有驱车才能抛弃的地方,此案至今在警方仍然没有进展;
2016年6月12日,多伦多华裔女子李迎春失踪,警方先是在黄金救人时间内以工作量太大为由拒绝调看监控录像;后来又莫名其妙发布一个查找另一女子的通告,表示对受害者还活着有信心。最后在受害人生还渺茫,嫌疑人匿逃的事实情况下,8月11日,加拿大警方发布题为《李迎春案新进展:华裔嫌犯买春 威胁妓女生命》的新闻,对逝者暗泼脏水。
也就是说,当同乡会筹措了$21,776.81 + ¥4000捐款时,他们也同时声称晓明的$25000存款中的多数已找到。究竟是找到存款,还是把捐款“模糊”成找到的存款,没有人说清!
在魁省,任何组织机构只有在成立注册后才能获得NEQ号,只有有了NEQ号才能到银行开户。 其次,大部分的非盈利组织不能随意组织捐款,只有符合政府要求的慈善机构才能募捐,审批严格且耗时,不可能在机构成立之前获得审批。

魁北克少数族裔妇女的艰难时世!/It’s the Hard Time for the Minority Women  in Quebec!警方在找到尸体后排除了自杀可能(http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/lucy-hui-chen-body-st-lawrence-1.3577535),并且引用某“闺蜜”的原话:“had ‘already thought of the worst’ after her friend vanished”。说真的,看过闺蜜在陈慧失踪初期接受采访录像的人都看得出来:寄希望于生还的人会说出缅怀的话吗?另外,当初新闻里说陈慧“left her home on foot”,而她的尸体被发现在距离她的家很远的地方。如此看来,当初提供的这一信息显然是不实之词,警方没有追问吗?http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/spvm-searching-for-montreal-woman-1.3457802
另外,此“闺蜜”先是对媒体说“It’s not like her at all”( 完全不像她的做法)。然后又说,“Guo said she last spoke to Chen on the evening of Feb. 18 and they had plans to play cards together the following day. On that Friday, something came up in Guo’s schedule and she sent her best friend two text messages asking if they could get together instead on Saturday.“She never answered me,” Guo said, adding that “everything seemed OK” 当她们在18号,“传说中”最后一次电话中商量19号聚会,而19号郭某给陈慧发了两个短信都没有得到回复(“She never answered me”),这位“闺蜜”却对媒体说“everything seemed OK”( 一切都正常)这是什么逻辑?!警察居然没有调查!


关于陈慧的失踪地点,新闻报道说法不一: 1 家里; 2 Street Paul Pau, 为什么?既然她是晚上11点失踪的,如果排除乘坐公交的可能的话,考虑到她的尸体被发现的地方,她一定是被车载去抛弃的,警方有彻查相关人等的车辆么?据报道,陈慧的身边人“have worked to gather information”, 这不也是串证的好机会么? 高调高额悬赏金、“希望她回来”,难不成已经知道她肯定回不来?!陈慧的“闺蜜”说最后与她联系是18号,她们电话商量第二天(失踪当天)聚会打牌,但又说后来给她发短信要求改时间。既然陈慧的手机被发现留在家里,这会不会是安排用来做某人“不在现场的证明”? 为什么陈慧的男友和其他“身边人”都是在几天之后才报案的?和澳大利亚冷梦梅案的手法高度一致?周边人协同作案,或自知难逃其咎,所以就形成共犯结构,澳大利亚的冷梦梅案如此,陈慧案呢?澳大利亚警方破案迅速,魁北克警方侦破魁北克当地人的同类案件也很迅速,加拿大的华人命案难在哪里?!

-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese),《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!

 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-18 14:44:04 | 只看该作者

1. 孩子父亲在采访时反复说妻子的产后忧郁症症状,似乎把给自己脱罪放到为媒体提供寻找妻子线索的优先级之上;
2. 失踪当天的晚上,丈夫在做什么?没有找太太,没有报警?
3. 10月底,孩子妈妈出门就已经穿薄羽绒服,而家属在事后接受采访时顶多穿雨衣,所以孩子妈妈是很怕冷、也很注意保暖的,最后尸体是在冰冷的水里被捞上来的,怎么解释?
4. 30多岁的小夫妻,第一次做父亲,遇到这样的事这么冷静的,不多,眼睛几乎没有直视过摄像镜头......
5. 接受采访的家属,似乎都是男方的家属,男方的妹妹等...
6. 最让人费解的是,出事一段时间后,媒体突然改变口风,说失踪者可能就在多伦多,这个丈夫还在媒体“深情”对妻子喊话;现在回过头来看失踪的两段录像:1)妻子手中似乎只有一部手机,最后在便利店付款据说也是现金,做丈夫的居然不能判断妻子是否有可能出远门?而且是在出事一段时间后突然“引导”媒体认为妻子有可能只是逃避?2)从录像中妻子出门,到她最后出现在便利店中间有9个小时,就算她有忧郁倾向的话,也看不出放弃生命的迹象,到便利店的目的是买饮料和香蕉,这是有求死欲望的人会做的事情吗?!

换个角度,如果丈夫很清楚产后忧郁症可能导致轻生是社会常识,与妻子的矛盾早已到了心生杀机的程度,看到太太的轻度忧郁症倾向,大概会顺水推舟、诱导其走向死亡、甚至不惜亲自动手,再制造各种假象做局,这种可能性如果成立的话,作案丈夫在事发后的态度一定是超级冷静,诡异。别忘了,在加拿大刑法里,即便是criminal negligence causing deach也是罪;如果有killing动机的话,那就是murder!



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-18 18:50:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2016-11-18 18:53 编辑

一直以来(今年尤其多)海外华人、尤其是加拿大华人的离奇失踪案都是悲剧结果,除了澳大利亚冷梦梅案、多伦多李迎春案凶嫌归案,其他的大概都是死不瞑目的冤案:崔晓明、李建萍母子、陈慧、Florence Leung!更有甚者,Winnipeg已经出了COPYCAT案例,为什么?就是因为这些案件大都不了了之,以后只怕会愈演愈烈!


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-18 23:14:40 | 只看该作者

据东森新闻云报道,美国女星丽莎马斯特斯(Lisa Masters)曾演出知名剧集《花边教主》、《丑女贝蒂》等,但近年来饱受忧郁症的困扰,没想到传来不幸的消息,当她为了一场走秀前往南美秘鲁时,竟被发现陈尸在下榻饭店的衣橱内,在她身边发现字条及抗抑郁的药物,被推断是在衣柜上吊自杀,详细情况仍在调查中。

据《US WEEKLY》报道,丽莎远赴祕鲁是为了模特儿走秀工作,却在15日被发现陈尸在下榻饭店的衣柜,目前经纪人已经证实这个不幸的消息,但为了保护死者,并未对外透露太多讯息;当地警方透露,她生前留下2封信,内容描述自己的精神状况,再加上现场的药物,推断可能是因为不堪抑郁症困扰而自杀,详细情况尚待进一步确认。

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-19 00:00:00 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-20 02:28:40 | 只看该作者
We, Chinese Community in Canada, Say No!

In many Canadian-Chinese Online social medias, people are being astonished by a series of tragic missing cases: Florence Leung, Lucy Hui Chen, Xiao Ming Cui, Jian Ping Li and her son, and now we heard that Maggie Liu has been missing since October 30, 2016.

Not only do we know much about how suspicious the stories are, but what even more remarkable is the self-contradictory testimonies given by some of the family members or so-called friends seemed so easily blinded the police to close the cases with the conclusion of the victims’ so-called “post-partum depression”, regardless those survived people’s strange and illogic behaviours.

From the press, we know that Maggie Liu’s husband gave the almost same testimony as Lucy Hui Chen’s boyfriend gave: the victim “disappeared in the night after they went to sleep and left behind her wallet and credit cards”. The very same person also described Maggie Liu’s wearing as “a gray jacket, dark-coloured pants and dark shoes”. Nevertheless, the contradictory testimonies seemed to be overlooked.

Speak of Florence Leung Case, without a single word left by the victim, but with a post-partum depression picture painted by the husband who could not have figured out whether his wife was able to travel to Toronto, pleaded publicly with his wife, pretending she were hiding in Toronto, the police said “foul play is not suspected”, despite the fact that the victim was still looking for food 9 hours after she left home which means she did not give up her life; despite the fact that the victim kept herself warm with a winter jacket, turns out, her body was found in cold water. The press or the police could not be bothered to question whether the husband concerned himself with his wife’s safety during the first 9 hours; they overlooked the fact that most of the remark given by the husband was about how depress his wife was, not focused on how can we find her; they overlooked the small smile came over the husband’s face during the gathering he held for his wife and yet, they concluded “foul play is not suspected”!

Maggie Liu’s missing seems a copycat case inspired by Lucy Hui Chen’s case. Given the place where Lucy Hui Chen’s body was found, the police was clearly being misled by somebody. Did they re-investigate the case? I doubt. And here we are, having another missing case with almost the same scenario! Why not? A happy ending for a murderer can always inspire many other devils who received a clear message from the police: Chinese lives do not matter; post-partum depression can apply to all the missing cases in Chinese community because they cannot express themselves in our language, they care nothing other than working hard for a better life!

NO! Brexit and Trump’s victory wake up the little people, ordinary people and minority people in the world, including us, Chinese communities across Canada.

Here is our message: We, Chinese people, the most law-abiding community in Canada, have been silent all the time when all kinds of injustice fall on us as if this is as it should be, but we will not take it anymore, because of Brexit, because of Trump’s victory, because we share the same value as you do: LIVES MATTER! SO DO WE CHINESE LIVES!

-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese), the first one who translated Quebec Business Corporations Act (2011) into Chinese, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-22 09:04:01 | 只看该作者
什么是criminal negligence? 法官对刑事疏忽造成伤害的量刑可以达到10年监禁;如果造成死亡,可能被判终生监禁。(A person found guilty of criminal negligence causing injuries can be given up to 10 years in prison. If the negligence caused death, the maximum penalty is life in prison. )

那么法官要从那几点判断是否构成刑事疏忽criminal negligence?
1 法律要求做、或不做某件事情,而被告没有按照执行;
The person accused of criminal negligence did something or failed to do something he or she was required by law to do.
2 被告的行为/不作为显示出对他人生命、或安全极大的、有危险的漠视;
The actions of the accused showed an extreme or dangerous disregard for the lives or safety of other people..
3 被告的这种行为/不作为造成了伤害或死亡
The actions or inaction caused injuries or death
ref.: https://www.educaloi.qc.ca/en/ne ... -negligence-defined

以本案中丈夫一再强调妻子已经出现了抑郁症倾向来看,自家有监控看到妻子早晨9点就离家出走(未锁门),到晚上6点没有回家(此时市区便利店录像显示受害人还活着,买食物),丈夫如果没有发起有效的寻找的话,such failure constitutes actionable negligence.不服来辩。

-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese),《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-22 12:26:58 | 只看该作者
而且,无论被告的行为是否有动机,只要符合上述三点,criminal negligence的罪名都成立。The accused can be found guilty even if he or she did not intend to cause any harm.

ref.: https://www.educaloi.qc.ca/en/ne ... -negligence-defined

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