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发表于 2014-5-5 22:09:17 | 显示全部楼层
从来没有救世主 发表于 2014-5-5 22:27


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-5-5 22:12:47 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# 从来没有救世主


It has been 16 years since genetically engineered crops and foods were first introduced into Canada.

Only 4 GE crops are currently grown in Canada:

4.sugar beet (white sugar beet for sugar processing)
These crops end up on the shelves as processed food ingredients and are also used as biofuel and animal feed. These crops are engineered to be either insect resistant or herbicide tolerant, and many now carry both traits.

We could also be importing a small amount of:

5. GE papaya (from Hawaii)
6. GE squash (some varieties of yellow crookneck squash)
7. GE cottonseed oil
8. milk products made with the use of Bovine Growth Hormone

Though the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada have approved over 50 varieties of 12 GE crops and foods under their category of "Plants with Novel Traits" and "Novel Foods", not all of these are products of genetic engineering. Furthermore, many GE crop varieties that are approved are not on the market in Canada, or anywhere else in the world, such as GE potatoes and tomatoes. See the below lists for the exact breakdown of what genetically engineered seeds farmers in Canada are planting and what GE foods are on our grocery store shelves.

Click here for the chart of GM foods in Canada.
Click here to download "CBAN's Quick Guide to GM Foods"
GE Crops Globally
2012: GM crops (predominately corn, soy, and cotton - herbicide tolerant and/or insect resistant) are still confined to a handful of countries with highly industrialized, export-oriented agricultural sectors. One country alone - the U.S. - plants 43% of the global GM crop area. 77% of the world's GM crops are planted in the U.S.(43%), Brazil (19%) and Argentina (15%). India (GM cotton) and Canada (GM canola, corn, soy and sugarbeet) both plant 6% of the global acres of GM.

GE Crops in Europe
2011: The only GE crop currently cultivated in the EU is Monsanto's insect resistant (Bt) corn (MON810). In 2010, GE corn was produced in the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia on a cultivation surface of about 82 000 hectares equaling a 13% decrease compared to 2009. Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg have all banned the use and sale of the MON 810 GE corn due to concerns about its long term effects.

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